Chapter 5

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El is really nervous.

The Firefly Festival is tomorrow and she can't be stressing enough.

She doesn't know what to wear. How to fix her hair. What shoes are appropriate to wear. Dress warm? Dress like it's Spring when it's Autumn? Does she tell her dad? Tell him that it starts at ten pm?
Should she even go with him?

She's just really nervous.

But she's not the only one; Mike is super nervous too. But not near as much as El. He's just nervous to meet her in general. She's too perfect to be true.

Mike isn't worried about what to wear, just as long as he doesn't look like a slob when he meets her. And just as long as he smells good. Presentable.

He made sure to finish all of his homework for tomorrow so he would be ahead and wouldn't have to worry about anything when he's getting ready to go watch the fireflies with El.

And El did the same. I mean, she was already ahead to begin with, but just in case.

Neither of them are telling their parents because they both know that they would say no and won't let them go.

Anyway... let's get back to now.

El paced around her her room, nibbling away at her nails out of pure worry.

She stopped at the foot of her bed and took another look at her outfit; a black, long sleeve T-shirt, an yellow-orange too-too-ish skirt, black crew socks, and her black low-top converse.

She closed her eyes and took a refreshing deep breath, trying to calm her nerves.

'Everything will be okay... Mike is nice and sweet. You have nothing to worry about. Except for the fact that Dad can find out that I'm gone and ground me once he finds out I went out with a boy in the middle of the night.' She thought as she shook her head, stopping herself form thinking like that.

There was a knock at the door, making El leap in fright and her heart skip a beat. "El? Can I come in?" Her dad asked from outside.

El glanced back at her clothes and scooped them up in her arms, then ran to her closet and stuffed them in there, then closed the closet door.

"Yeah, just a second!" She called out and ran back to her bed to get her shoes. She put them under her bed and looked around her room to see if anything else was out that could possibly get her in trouble, but there wasn't.

"Okay!" She said, plopping herself down on her bed to make it look like she was getting ready to sleep.

The door opened and her dad came in, still wearing his Chief of Police uniform.

She put a smile on as he walked in. "Hey, Kid. Just wanted to say goodnight." He told her, tousling her hair.

"Why are you still in your uniform?" She asked.

"Have to go in late again. Sorry, Kid. I promise this will be the last time. Merrill is coming back so he'll be working full time again." He explained, giving her a side smile.

El just nodded. "I understand." She muttered.

"I'm sorry, El. But I can't back out of this." He brought his hand down.

𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 ~ 𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 ~Where stories live. Discover now