Chapter 3

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El: I'm going to be honest here, I didn't like that book. 😬

Mike: I didn't like it much either, but the projects for it were fun.

El; Yeah, they were.

Mike: Anyway, what are you doing?

El: Finishing up some homework. What about you?

Mike: Eating dinner with my family.

El: Oh, should I let you go for now? So you can eat?

Mike: It's alright, they don't mind.

"Michael, phone off at the table! This is the third time I'm telling you!" His mother scolded. He looked up and sighed, then stood up.

"I'm going to do some homework." He told them and his mom shook her head. 'He's never like this,' She thought as he walked away.

Mike: What's your favorite movie?

El: I like The Man Without A Face.

Mike: That's a really good movie! Mel Gibson was really good in it.

El: I agree. What's your favorite movie?

Mike: I like Apocolypto.

El: Another Mel Gibson movie?:)

Mike: Yep, he's cool.

El: He is.

El smiled to herself as she kicked her feet under her blanket, excitedly. She never acts like this, it's weird for her to.

She thought of what to say next as he texted back, the three dots driving her crazy.

Mike: What grade are you in?

El: Tenth.

Mike: I am too:)

El: At least we know we're the same age.

Mike: Yeah, that would've been weird if you were much younger than me.

El: It would've haha.

Mike plopped down on his bed and got comfortable, kicking off his shoes and got under his blankets. He turned on his side and started texting El again with a smile on his face.

Mike: What classes do you have?

El: Chemistry, Geometry, History, and World Literature.

Mike: In that order?

El: Yeah, but that's just the main classes. My last two are French and Art.

Mike: Cool cool.

Mike: What are you doing now?

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