Chapter 2

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Mike kept glancing at the clock, eager for class to end. It seems like the day has been dragging on forever and ever, well, to Mike anyway. He worked hard and fast in every class so he wouldn't have homework. He wanted to have free time after school so he can go straight to the library to see if the girl had written him back yet. He found out she was a girl by the way she wrote and how he gave him a girls name when he asked who she was.

Looking up at the clock again, Mike's leg started bouncing up and down. 'Two Minutes and thirty-six seconds,' He counted, nibbling on his bottom lip in the process.

As he let out a sigh, he buried his face in his hands, trying to get his mind off the library. But it was so hard when that's all he can think about right now. 'Come on, come on, come on...' He sighed aloud.

The bell rang a minute later and he didn't waste another second to jump up out of his chair and run out of the classroom to the library.

He sprinted down the hall, only having his eyes on the exit, and not even realizing that people were coming out of another classroom on the side, and El just so happens to be one of those people. So when she came out first, he ran right into her, sending the both of them and their things to the ground.

El fell on her back and Mike fell to his stomach. "Ow..." El groaned, rubbing her side, trying to relieve some pain.

Mike sat up quickly. "I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" He asked, looking at who he knocked in to. She sighed and looked up at him, her eyes immediately going to his luscious black locks.

"Yeah." She mumbled and started grabbing her things from the floor, which Mike instantly started to help with.

A bunch of people stared at them as they picked up everything, not even caring that they look stupid with their mouths hanging open as they watched Mike and El with a blank expression.

Mike grabbed her pen and handed it to her, then stood up quickly. He left down the hall again without speaking another word to her.

El continued to her locker with her back hurting.

Meanwhile, Mike was yet again running to the library since he only has a half hour break for lunch.

After two minutes, he finally made it into the building with beads of sweats forming in his hairline, and his cheeks were a light pink.

He attempted to calmly walk through the building, but he just couldn't take it; so he ran the rest of the way to the bookshelf.

Yesterday, he told 'Scarlet' that she can call him Sherlock. He thought it was pretty clever too.

After what felt like forever, he made it to the bookshelf that's holding the book he's been wanting to see this whole day. With shaky hands, he reached out and pulled the book out and opened the front cover.

Well, Sherlock, What do you want to talk about? Books? Since we both seem to love them:)

Another smile crawled onto his face once he saw the smiley face she drew. He fished the pen out of his pocket and took the cap off with his teeth, then started writing.

Sure! Sci-Fi, mystery, horror, and even romance books I love to read. What books do you like to read?


𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 ~ 𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 ~Where stories live. Discover now