Chapter 6

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The sky was clear and full of brightly shining stars. There was a slight breeze, it wasn't cold, but refreshing.

El and Mike came from opposite sides of the meadow, both walking silently through the woods. El thought about turning back multiple times, but she kept thinking of Mike again. Thinking about how if she left back to her house, then he'd be alone, stood up. And she'd feel like crap after. So she kept going.

Mike didn't have any of these second thoughts. He knew he wanted and needed to see El. He can describe her as perfect. She likes everything he does and they think alike. It's like they are meant for each other, and even those words crossed his mind.

Meant for each other.

He hasn't even met her in person yet, and he thinks like that. She's just too good to be true. He absolutely just has to meet her. It's the only way for him to believe that she's real and true.

Mike kept repeating what he was going to say. And so far, everything he's saying, he thinks it's just terrible.

"Hi, El." Mike said in a deep voice, then he scrunched his noise in disgust. "Don't sounds creepy, Mike." Mike shook his head. He kicked a loose branch on the ground, then picked it up, holding it like a flower. "Good evening, El." He said, then dropped the stick immediately. "You're not an old man." He rolled his eyes. "What's up, El? How's it hanging?" He said. "What the hell was that?" Mike dropped his face in his hands and groaned loudly. "I'm going to embarrass myself big time." He sighed, but sped up his pace toward the meadow. It was getting increasingly dark out, but the clouds around the moon were still very visible.

El started walking up the grass hill to the meadow, her heart racing and her body trembling with both excitement and nervousness. She kept running her fingers through her hair, unknowingly. She's just super nervous. She tried counting slowly to calm her nerves, but nothing is helping.

Unlike Mike, she's wasn't practicing what to say. That would make her even more nervous and more stressed. And she's got enough of that.

Looking at the sky, she let out a breathy sigh. The air around her slowly calming her senses. A smile tugged on her lips, and all her worries seemed to leave her when a brush of warm wind blew toward her. Her hair blew to the side and her dress did the same. She giggled quietly and looked back to the front of her, then she stopped immediately.

Mike stood still, frozen, staring at the beautiful girl in front of him. The girl he's always running in to at school.

They stood about ten feet from each other, mouths sewn shut and their eyes wide, showing nothing but pure shock.

'It's him?' She asked herself.

'It's her?' Mike thought.

More wind blew toward them, this time a cold gust, making El shiver lightly, getting goosebumps everywhere. Mike wasn't affected by it, but he did take notice of her shivering and her lack of jacket.

"Y-You're cold?" He stuttered, already starting to slide off his jacket.

"A little but you don't have to—."

"Here." He cut her off, walking to her to where they were only about two feet from each other.

"It's alright, I don't nee—."

𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 ~ 𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 ~Where stories live. Discover now