Mother/Mystery Man

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 As the day's first hours passed by, Emily thought about her mother. She had been sick lately, with some sort of virus. At her mother's age of 47, she could definitely handle it. But not as well as 21 year old Emily. Emily wanted to rush over to her mother's house and make her a hearty bowl of soup, but she knew she had to work.

The bar eventually became empty. All seven customers had left, Kiara stepped out to get some supplies next door, and Emily was all alone. At exactly 3 o'clock, Emily's phone rang. She reached into her pocket to pick it up.


"Emily, dear. It's me."

It was her mom. Her voice sounded hoarse, but then again she was ill.

"Mom, how are you feeling? Any better today?"

"Just a little bit, honey. I made myself some hot tea a few hours ago and that really soothed me. Never mind that Emily. I called to tell you something important...."

She was silent for a bit and Emily worried. 'What does she need to tell me? Did she get a bad diagnosis at the doctor? I need to know' Emily thought. After a little while longer, Emily's mom spoke again.

"Your father called today."

Emily's heart dropped to her stomach. 'Father... I haven't spoken to him since he left us. Was he bothering her? Why is he calling my mom? He left her! She did absolutely nothing to deserve that. And now he wants to call her? I should tell her to ignore him. Never take his call again. He doesn't deserve us.' She thought.

(Emily's P.o.v)

"And what did you say to him Mom? Did he ask how you're doing? Did he ask about me?"

"He asked about both of us, dear. He wanted to know if I had moved on. I told him no. He asked if you were okay. I told him yes. I told him you're doing wonderful in school and you like your job. He said that's good. He says he misses you, Emily... He wants to see you."

Just then a customer walked into the room. The door creaked shut and I could hear heavy footsteps.

"Look Mom, I have to go. I'm at work and a customer just walked in. We'll talk later? I love you.. so much."

"Alright, honey. Stay safe. Remember, to the moon and back."

"To the moon and back..."

I hung up the phone and put it back in my pocket. "Welcome to The Klub." I said. Then I looked up and a man was sitting at the bar.

(a/n: *enter Phil Anselmo* *swoon*)

He had a shaved head and a dark brown beard. He wore a t-shirt that said "Pantera" and tattoos covered his muscular arms. His arms were crossed, touching the counter. "Can I get you anything, sir?" I could feel a lump in my throat. He was honestly very attractive. I didn't know him at all, and it was a silly thing. I got very nervous, and was sure I was blushing. "A whiskey on the rocks ma'am." His voice was deep and his southern accent was apparent. "Yes sir. I'll have that right away." I turned away from him to grab the whiskey and the glass. I filled the glass with ice and then poured the drink into it. The whiskey was made locally, here in Texas. It was the best of its kind. 'I guess he's a whiskey connoisseur.' I thought. I placed the drink on a coaster in front of him. He looked up at me and thanked me. I nodded my head and turned away from him as he took a sip.

Kiara returned and I remembered she had asked me to restock the drinks. I hadn't done it. "Emily, did you get the drinks stocked like I asked you to?" I felt a wave of embarrassment, especially now that he was here. "No, Kiara. I didn't. I'm sorry I just got an important phone call from my mom. You see she's ill and.." She stopped me. "Look I understand. I don't need the ins and outs. Just please do it. We have a customer here." I sighed and spoke in a quieter tone. "Believe me I've noticed." Kiara shook her head and walked away into that back room. I started walking away towards the stock of alcohol. I heard the door to the back room close and I instantly became nervous again. Now I was alone in the bar with that man. I grabbed some bottles and put them on the shelves where they belonged. As I finished stocking the vodka, the man spoke. "Ma'am?" I turned to him "Yes sir?" "I'd like another drink, please." "Yes sir. Right away." I stopped what I was doing and he slid me his glass. I picked it up and refilled it. "Here you are, sir." I set the drink back on the coaster. "Call me Phil." He smiled at me. 'Damn... he had quite the charming smile.' I fiddled with my hands below the counter. "Pleasure to meet you, Phil." "And you are?" I looked around for Kiara, but she was still in the back room. "I'm Emily."

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