Confrontation Pt. 2

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(a/n: y'all might not like this chapter and I'm only a little sorry about it)

I huddled in the corner while Dime shut us both in the dark closet. Tears were still gathered in my eyes and I was glad he couldn't see me anymore. "You okay, Em? What's bothering you? Is it the encounter with your dad? We knew he'd come at some point. We just hoped it wouldn't go like that." He got down to my level, sitting next to me. "I just... everything is such a mess... I don't know what to do..." I wiped my eyes.

(Dime's Pov)

It hurt me to see her like this. I'm not sure what's going on in her head, but I'm glad she let me in. I wouldn't know what to do if she shut me out. In this short time I've known her, I've grown to really like her. But maybe I should give it up. She's into Phil.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. What's bothering you? I promise you can tell me." I told her as I extended my hand out. She took it and she let me hold her close. "My father..." She answered. "It's okay. He's out of here now and Richard won't do anything. Not if the guys and I have anything to say about it. I'm sure Phil'd protect you with his life. And I would too." I meant that with every cell in my body. "Thank you..." she whispered with her face buried into my shoulder. "Do you want me to leave you alone?" I felt like she might want me to leave. I can tell she didn't want anyone to see her cry. Why did she let me in? To my surprise, she held onto me and asked me not to leave. "Please stay... just for a minute..." She started to cry into my shoulder, but I didn't mind. I wanted to be there for her, to let her know I will always be there. Even if she's in love with Phil. "Something tells me it's not just your dad, Emily. Why did you reach out to me tonight, when I kissed you?" She stopped crying and looked up at me. I couldn't see her expression well in the dark, but I could tell her eyes had the same gleam that they did earlier tonight. "I like you." Her words caught me off guard. Now I know what happened earlier wasn't just for shits, but I didn't know she felt this way. "What about Phil? Don't you like him?" I asked her. "I don't think he's right for me. I don't want to hurt him, but it's not the same." She looked away from me. "What's not the same?" I gently reached out to touch the exposed skin of her shoulder. "The feeling. I feel so safe with you, Dime..." She turned back to me and I pressed my lips to hers. She ran her fingers through my hair and I pulled her closer to my chest.

A minute or two passed but it felt like an hour when I pulled away from Emily. "I'm glad you feel the same Em. What do you say we go back out there? I won't say a thing about what happened between us. Promise." I looked her in the eyes to make sure she knew I meant it. I meant everything. She nodded her head and I stood up. I helped her up and we emerged from the closet. Emily and I entered the room of my brothers and they all looked concerned. Great... "She's alright y'all." Emily smiled weakly and went to sit on the couch with Vinnie.

(Emily's Pov)

"Feeling better?" Vinnie asked me. I nodded my head. I was feeling better since Dime came to comfort me. I'm glad we got our feelings straight. But the only problem is where would I sleep? They want me here tonight to make sure I'm really safe, especially with Richard basically threatening me with his gun and my sperm-donor insisting that he'd be watching me. I can't sleep with Phil anymore. I'm sure he's angry with me and probably knows what's going on between Dimebag and I. I don't want to sleep in the same room as an ultra-pissed Phil Anselmo. Maybe I'll sleep here or on the floor. "Emily, we need to talk." I nearly jumped when Phil's voice from behind the couch snapped me out of my thoughts. "Follow me. Now." Vinnie raised an eyebrow at that but watched me get up to go with Phil.

Phil led me into the mess of his room and shut the door. He got really close to me and whispered both to intimidate me and so nobody would hear "I know about you and Dime." I would run from this conversation but I was backed against the wall. "I'm sorry... I just came to this realization and I was going to tell you..." I spoke with honesty. He just nodded his head. "I don't care if you choose him over me. I honestly don't. I just want to know why. What don't I have that he has?" He looked me dead in the eyes. "I feel safe with him. Like nothing can hurt me and that I'll never be alone. I don't get that feeling with you." I responded, not mincing words. Phil stepped away from me, "Thanks for telling me. I hope it works out for you." He opened the door and let me out. He followed me out but turned to walk out the door onto the patio. Rex and Vinnie had gone to their rooms. But Dime stood in the living room. "I take it you talked to him?" He asked. I nodded and looked around the room, making sure Phil wasn't watching. Then I ran to Dime's arms. 

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