The Call Pt. 2

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(a/n: I made the number up. please don't call it... lol)

(Emily's P.O.V)

I walked out of the room into the bar area. Phil had left but there was a note on the counter. I picked it up and read it.




Why did he give me his number? Is he apologizing about yelling in front of me or is he apologizing for snapping at me afterwards? Was he hitting on me? I have no idea what to do. I just put the note in my pocket and got back to work. What only felt like a while later, I looked up at the clock and realized I have been here an hour after I should have been gone. Kiara walked out of the back room. "Emily?! You're still here? Don't you know what time it is? Get home, hon." She ushered me out the door. I got into my car and drove home. I thought about Phil the whole drive home. Why is this man getting into my head? I just met him today.

When I walked up to my front door, I could hear Caddy meowing loudly. I opened the door, making sure he didn't slip out. "Hi honey! You act like I've been gone all day." He clung to my leg and just led me to his treats. "You want a treat? Is that what all this meowing is about?" I smiled at him. He meowed even louder, as if to say "Yes woman! Yes!" I laughed and got him a treat. "Here Caddy. I love you buddy." I held out my hand and he ate it happily. When Cadillac had finished, he walked off and laid down in his cat bed. I went into my room and got ready for bed. I didn't have work tomorrow but my best friend Layla was coming over. Layla lives at the beach, but luckily her job allows her to make plans to come see me. I'm glad I was going to see Layla tomorrow. Maybe I would ask her about Phil... She usually gives good advice on men. Even though she's a lesbian, she knows a lot from her brother Jake. I changed clothes and put the note on my bedside table. I said goodnight to Caddy and then I went to sleep.

When morning came, the light streamed through my window. Cadillac jumped onto my bed.


I turned on my side and groaned. "Not yet... I don't wanna..."

Meow? Meoowwww!

He stepped over me and sat right on my head. "Caddy please..." I groaned but with one more meow he got my attention. I petted him and he purred. A minute or so later he got off of the bed and I took that as my cue to get out myself. I took a look at my phone. "Oh shit!" 'Layla is gonna be here in like 15 minutes! I've gotta get ready.' I rushed and got ready for Layla to come over.

About 25 minutes later, I heard the doorbell ring, must be her. I walked to the door and opened it. "Layla! It's so good to see you." "I'm sorry I'm late!" Layla shook her head and hugged me. "You're okay. It's all good. Come inside!" Layla walked through the door and immediately plopped onto my couch. I sat next to her and sighed. "What? What's the matter?" She asked me, her aquamarine eyes fixed on my expression. "There's this guy..." I started to talk. "Oh boy. What about him?" I started to tell her about what happened yesterday. "Well, then he just left this on the counter." I pulled out the note that Phil left me. I handed it to her and she read it. "Oh my god. He likes you hun. He wouldn't have left you this note if he didn't. Have you called him yet?" My eyes widened. 'Phil likes me. He really likes me. Wow.' "No, Layla. I haven't. It's only been a day. Would you have called him by now?" Layla shook her head. "No, but I would call him today. He doesn't have your number so it's up to you." Layla smiled and winked at me. "Thanks Layla, you're right. But oh my god what do I say?" My brain was racked. I had no idea what to say to Phil. I wanted to call him. I really did. He just seems so... I don't know. "Well, what do you want to say to him? What do you think of him? Do you want to see him again?" Layla gave me back the note and stepped out of the room. "I'll be out here when you've finished." She grins at me and leaves me to my own devices.

I talked myself through it as I pulled out my phone. "Alright. I'm just gonna tell him that I enjoyed his company yesterday." I picked up the phone, looked at the note and dialed Phil's number.

"Hello?" He answered quizzically.

"Hey Phil, it's me Emily."

Phil immediately started to apologize.

"I'm so sorry about yesterday. I was out of line with Dime and with you. I'm sorry you had to hear that. I knew I had messed up when you walked away angry like that. I hoped that you would call me..."

The words rushed out of him, but then trailed off. I could tell he was sincere and eager to make things right.

Oh wow. Layla was right. He wanted to talk to me. He likes me. I know it.

"It's okay Phil, water under the bridge. I'm glad you picked up."

"Okay, good. Uh listen Emily... would you like to go out sometime?"

Oh my god. Really? I was taken aback by Phil's question. Layla's gonna eat this shit up.

"I would. Thank you Phil..."

"Of course. How's tomorrow evening sound?"

"I get out of work at 6.. so that sounds good. Thank you."

"Around 7?"

I agreed to 7. He was going to pick me up at my house.

"I'll see you then, Emily."

Phil hung up and I put my phone on the table. Layla stepped into the room, looking at me and waiting for details.

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