Chapter 10 - Keeping her safe.

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Austins POV: 

Nicole hasn't been herself lately. She didn't want to talk about what happened, and I didn't push her, but I know something was horribly wrong with her. I wanted to ask up to several times a day, but I didn't want to push her into telling me something she didn't want to talk about. So the only thing I knew I could do until she was ready to tell me, was to be there for her. 

I haven't seen Nicole like this since middle school. And it hurt me so much just back then. But this time? I had this rage inside me I didn't even knew I had. I knew that someone had hurt her, and I ended up living at her place just to watch over her since that day. I didn't even think it was something wrong with her workplace, even though I should have put pieces together when she came home everyday after work, and her eyes were so red from crying. Why didn't she feel safe telling me what happened at the job interview? Why didn't she tell me anything about what happens at work, that makes her feel the need to cry every day? I hated seeing her like this. 

I didn't even know what to do, but every day I stood by her door and waited for her to come inside the door to give her a hug, because I knew she needed it. I always stood there almost half an hour every day when I knew she was on her way home from work, and waited for her. I wanted to comfort her as much as I could, just by being with her. I did all her chores she needed to do to hold the apartment nice and clean, so she just had to relax when she came home. I even made dinner for her everyday, or, I didn't make it, I ordered food, because I sucked at cooking. But atleast it's something, right? 

I tried not pushing her at all, because I knew that when she felt ready, she would tell me what happened to her. But it's been almost 2 months, and I was almost on my way to a new tour, and I didn't want to leave her when I knew that she wasn't OK. I wanted to keep her safe, I wanted to keep her with me every hour of the day. Just to be completely sure she was safe. That she didn't feel bad about herself. I wanted all what was best for her. I wanted to ask her if she would join me, I just didn't know if she really wanted to come with me. I mean, we were going to be on the road for about almost 3 months, which meant that she would probably grow tired of me and my crew. But I had to try. I was manning myself up to this point, and I really wanted to not sound so desperate. 

When she came home that day, I did the usual. I stood by her door, waiting for her to come home. I was waiting longer then usual, and looked at my watch on my wrist. I started to wonder, because she was suppose to be home now. She usually comes home around 3 pm, but it was almost 4, and she haven't given any sign or sound from her that she would be late this day. Fuck. I gathered my things, turned off the lights, and ran out the door, towards her workplace. Lucky for me, this wasn't the biggest place at all, so I could actually roam free in the streets without people almost humping on my leg. I arrived her workplace in about 10 minutes, and ran inside to the reception to ask for her. The girl on the other side of the desk checked me out, and she wasn't really subtle about it.

I snapped my fingers infront of her face, and asked again to look for where Nicole was. She then hitted some buttons on her keyboard, and said that Nicole was in a meeting with her boss on the 10th floor. I said thank you to the girl, and started to run towards the elevator. She tried telling me to wait in the lobby, but I didn't care. I needed to figure out what was happening, because my stomach told me that something was wrong. 

The elevator took such a long time to come down to the reception floor, that I had to take the stairs. I got up to the 10th floor, and almost stumbled into the reception desk there. I asked almost out of breath where the bosse's office were, and the guy in the reception looked frightened and pointed to the left, and said the last door to the right down the hall. I said thank you, and ran towards the door. 

What I heard, was what I didn't want to hear, but the door was locked. I got frustrated, trying to knock on the door for them to open, but no one opened, or even answered. What was going on behind those doors, was not a regular meeting, I could tell. I felt the blood inside me boil, and I think at that point I got superpowers, because the door was really heavy, and shouldn't be able to knock down like I did, but I did. And what I saw, made me full of rage. Looking over at Nicole, laying there, almost unconscious, was giving me the chills. With that freak on top of her, taking advantage of her like that. No one does that to my girl! 

"GET OFF HER, YOU FREAK!" I screamed in rage, running towards him and jumping on him, getting him off her. "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF MY GIRL LIKE THAT!" I screamed in his face, laying on top off him on the floor, hitting him in the face. My blood was boiling so bad, I couldn't even handle my rage at this point. I hitted him many times in the face, until I realized why I was here. I was here for Nicole. And I remembered what was actually happening, stopped hitting him, and jumped off him, and ran over to Nicole who still laid there unconscious. I lifted her panties up, and lifted her in my arms bridal style. 

I walked out the doors to his office, or what was atleast left of his doors, with Nicole in my arms. I screamed to the people just looking at me, and told them that they were going to get sued so hard, they wouldn't even believe it was possible getting sued like this. How could they even just ignore how Nicole was getting treated? I mean, you could clearly hear that something was wrong from the outside of that office, and no one did anything. I was so pissed. 

I walked with Nicole in my hands to her apartment to get to my car, since I ran instead of driving to her workplace. I unlocked my car, and opened the passenger side of my car, put Nicole down, and put her seatbelt on. I closed her door, and rushed to my side, opening the door, and starting the car, rushing over to the hospital. I held one hand on Nicoles arm the whole ride, just to be sure she was still alive, because I needed to know if she had a heartbeat. I arrived the hospital after a while, stopped the car, and rushed to Nicoles side, lifting her bridal style again. I ran inside the hospital and yelled for help, and two nurses and a doctor came rushing to my side with a bed to lay Nicole down in. They asked what had happened, and I told them everything I saw. They told me it would be all alright, and they told me to try relaxing, and they would come back to me if they figured something was wrong or not. 

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