The Start

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Haikyuu does not belong to me! Thankfully(I couldn't handle it) the show & characters belong to they're rightful owners! The writing is the only thing I own(this is my first story, please have mercy)

From afar you could see Hinata speaking to coach Ukai while the others were cleaning up(or goofing off), the team thought nothing of it, simple as that.  At the end of practice Ukai calls the team over reminding them of the practice camp tomorrow. 

The last thing he added before leaving was "Ah! By the way, Hinata's little sister will also be joining us tommorow.  So please behave around the poor child" he finished "You never told us you have a younger sister!" said Noya running to Hinata closely followed by Tanaka "What's she like?" Tanaka asked "Do we have to deal with another Hinata? because that's what I have to go through in my nightmares" Tsukishima added with a sound of a snicker behind him, Hinata gave an angry pout to Tsukki then turned to Tanaka and Noya while his eyes light up "Her name is Natsu! The best little sister anyone could ask for!" He started as he proceeded to rant on how amazing she was.  "Ok you can shut up now, dumbass" Kageyama said while squeezing Hinata's head "OWOWOW! Bakayama I'm going to go bald!!" Smacking the tall boy's hand off, as he sticks out his tongue "I'm sure Natsu's amazing" Suga said with a sweet smile, as Hinata returns that smile "OK, lets go!" Daichi said

Reaching Hinata's house

Hinata parks his bike infont of the house, he sees Natsu waiting for him outside the door step and as soon as she sees him she jumps up and runs to Hinata's arms "ONII-CHAN!" She yells "Hey, Hey" He pats her head "Is mom or dad home? I don't see they're cars" He asked "Nope! Mom said she will come early though!" "Ah, thats good" he finished. 

As they walk in,  Hinata almost falls over a beer bottle "Careful!" Natsu shouts "Sorry, sorry" Hinata grins while Natsu pouts.  The orange haired siblings walk in looking at the mess on the floor "Natsu, how about you do your homework?" The older sibling asked smiling "Then later we'll play, ok?" "OSU" she said giggling, running to her room.  Hinata let out a hefty sigh as he picks up the bottles...

Time skip, around an hour later

"ONII-CHAN I'M DONE~" Hinata heard from his room "I'LL BE RIGHT THERE NATSU" he yelled back, finishing up his homework (somewhat).  He packs everything in his bag and puts it aside for tomorrow, he also puts Natsu's things beside his stuff, so he won't forget in the morning.  He walks down to the living room were Natsu has a little set up of flower crowns and some stray flowers "What's this?" Hinata asks looking over "For the team!" She says with stars in her eyes "Your making it for everyone?" She stoped what she was doing and thought "Hmm.. No only for a few, I will choose when I get there!" She ended it with a confident smirk. 

The two siblings played around making flower crowns, and play fighting till they heard a knock and Hinata turned to the door "OH! Thats mom!" Natsu almost ran to the door, but Hinata grabbed her hand "Wait let me check incase" Hinata got up and went towards the door opening it slightly, then sighing in relief seeing it's only his mom. 

He opened the door fully while his mother walked in with grocery bags.  "Mama!" Natsu ran up to her mother giving her a big hug "Hello Natsu, hello Hinata" she said with a weak smile "Hinata could you come help me with dinner" she spoke pretty quietly "Yeah, of course.  Natsu try to make more flower crowns" he looked at his sister as he gave her a wink and smile "Yeah!" She quickly turned to her flowers and started to work while Hinata and his mother went to the kitchen. 

They were making dinner as Hinata's mother turned to Hinata then looking back at the veggies she was cutting while saying quietly "Thank you, Hinata" He quickly turns his head to his mother who was smiling softly, he chuckled saying "what for? This is nothing compared what you do for us" Hinata said giving her his signature smile.  When dinner was done and on the table, they heard a final knock on the door. 

Everyone held there breath as Hinata walked over to the door "W-wait, I can get it" Hinata's mother said with a slight begging tone "Mom- It's ok" Hinata looked back smiling.  He walks over to the door, hesitating as he opens the door "Hey.. Dad" he said trying to sound happy that he was there, but it kinda fell flat.  He was holding some paper bag filled with what he could only guess was booze "..Put this in my room" He said looking down at the small boy "O-osu"
He grabs the heavy bag while walking to his fathers room, putting the beer in his mini fridge that he kept next to his bed side the first time he had to do this he put the bag on his bed, but then his father threw a fit on how 'stupid' he was for not placing them in the mini fridge he learned after that to always put it in the fridge.  He quickly finished after hearing a shout coming from the living room, he got up and ran into the living room seeing that Hinata's father was about to hit Natsu and Natsu helplessly putting her arms and hands over her head, but he ran in front of Natsu taking the hit for her.  His father stopped and looked down at his son "Listen, I don't know what got you mad, but I'll help fix it.  Just calm down" Hinata said looking up at his father with a red mark on his cheek "..." Hinata's father was silent, but then told them to clean up the mess on the table as he walk to get dinner.  Hinata turned to Natsu seeing as her big eyes were overflowing with tears "Hey, look I'm ok.  Don't cry, every things ok" He spoke with a soothing tone "H-he.. Hur-hurt you.. Aga-again" The little girl spoke through sobs "But I'm ok right? Now lets clean up" He gave a bright smile as she nodded.  They finished cleaning then went to an awkward dinner, then straight to sleep for the big day tomorrow.

(Sorry it's short and not the best, once again this is my first story, but I'll try to upload 3 or 2 times a week ((also the art in the thumb nail is something I drew owo)))

See you soon

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