11.00 pm, San Francisco

15 2 0

I still reminisce the moment I saw


Right behind the airport glass door of Gate 14

'Physically, together.'  oh my, the sound of our 11:11 wishes

4 years feel like a sigh of relief; chaotic yet flawlessly beautiful

Don't you think its weird how the time we go through so tough with the distance -

The grief, the madness, the tremendous disappointment

Would be washed away today by the disbelief thought that asked;

'We made it?'

I was in the phone telling you that I'm here trying to find you
            & then our eyes met -

In the thin cold air of San Francisco,

Knowing that at this point nothing,
of any shape or form

Could ever come between us or our promise;

'Hey, its no matter what'

©Wattpad: yellowacrylics

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