Chapter Three: Tempted

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Two days after their parents left, Nimi and  Amanda had resorted to warming up old food. This resulted in some complaints from Nimi which were ignored by Amanda.

Apparently after their parents left, they both woke up late almost everyday. They rushed to the car where the driver waited patiently.

The drive was a quiet one although music played from the radio. They passed by the roadside market again. This time, Nimi was not absorbed in its simplicity but irritated by the smell of the roasted corn. It confused Nimi as he always loved to inhale the scent in the morning because it mixed well with the fresh air.

The pain in his bowel became more acute as he covered his nostrils and wind up the car window. 

Hours later, Amanda walked to the garden excited and hopeful. She hoped she would meet him there. That day, there was no wind but blazing Nigerian sun causing beads of sweat on Amanda's forehead. She swiped them away with the back of her palm, still walking briskly to the garden.

She got there panting as her eyes scanned the area for him. To her disappointment, he was not there. She turned around feeling sad only to meet his dark brown eyes. She lost her breath immediately.

"Hey" he said staring at her deeply. His full pink lips were prevalent on his dark face.

"Hi" she responded almost breathless.

"I heard you like novels" he stated, moving towards the tall table.

"Hmm yes mostly romance ones" she said blushing slightly.

"Oh cool. My mommy has some at home" he said closing the gap between them. "Some are cheesy but some" he whispered in her ear "are sexy"

She could feel his warm breath on her ear. She shivered and turned to meet his dark suggestive brown eyes.

"You could come and get them at my house" he informed her. His tongue swiped his lips and he continued staring at her.

"No" she said shaking her head to clear her mind "you could bring them to school" she suggested.

"Okay" he said not replying her suggestion as he jumped off the wooden table and slowly walked away.

His stroll tempted her as she almost called him back. Her self restraint won over her desire to see him and she tore her gaze from him.


Nimi sat in his large air conditioned classroom as his Social Studies teacher wrote on the white marker board. He wrote his note with his full attention on what Mr. Coker was explaining. He felt a nudge on his seat and turned left to his friend James.

"Guy, are you coming ?" James asked in a low voice, his eyes wide opened for an answer. It was the last class for the day.

"Um yes" Nimi replied returning his attention to the class. He was oblivious of where James was going to take him but he agreed anyways.

Minutes later, the siren rang signalling the end of school. The students packed their books as the teacher walked to the staff room. 

Nimi was still packing his books from his desk to his bag. James stood waiting for him impatiently. "Guy let's go" James said anxious.

"Okay, I'm coming" Nimi replied zipping his bag and throwing it on his back.

"Let's go" he said. The boys walked a short distance from school. As they almost got to their destination, Nimi knew he could not take it so he asked "Where are we going?" still walking briskly with James. 

They stopped and stood in front of a stand. Smoke erupted from the meat being grilled and it blinded Nimi's eyes. The meat had been marinated in dry pepper. The man behind the grill used a wooden stick to flip the grilling meat.

"What are we doing here?" he asked anxious and confused. He was barely breathing.

"Guy calm down let's buy suya" James replied nonchalantly, the smoke did not have any effect on him.

"Okay but these things aren't safe. They might have tapeworms" he informed James, fanning the smoke away from him with his hands.

"Baba bring the one of 150 Naira" James said ignoring him.

The smell of the grilled meat repelled Nimi's stomach but he pretended to ignore it. James collected the nylon with the suya wrapped in old newspapers. Nimi took in his surroundings as he did not recognise any of  the faces in that neighbourhood.  It worried him but he pushed his worries away, eyeing the pieces of meat James brought out. It tempted him in a strange way. His eyes begged James for some.

"Take" James said passing him two pieces. Nimi stared at it for a long time, unsure of what to do with what was in his right palm. 

He shook his fears away and dumped the two pieces in his mouth. He chewed and chewed then swallowed. It was delicious but spicy as the taste burnt his tongue and watered his eyes.

He widened his eyes, hoping the water would go back in and it did. He felt a tap on his shoulder. It was James. "Let's go"

They walked briskly back to school. Nimi waved him goodbye and went to where his driver and Amanda waited. His sister barely noticed his presence when he entered the car. She had buried herself in her phone. The driver started the ignition and their journey home began.

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