Chapter Eleven

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"Hey" Chris said as he walked up to Amanda on their way to class on Wednesday morning.
"Hi" she replied glancing at him. Chris had gotten a new haircut and it really suited him. Like Amanda, Chris was born into a wealthy family. In the looks department, he was certainly not lacking. With his hazel eyes, he had the attention of almost any girl mostly because it was uncommon for a Nigerian to have those.
His hazel eyes originated from the many foreigners in his maternal side. His mother had both French and Camerounaise background.

"Yeesh" he hissed as he stared at Amanda's wounded arm.
"It's not that bad" she said with an eye roll.
"Are you sure?" he asked, touching the bandaged area with concern. "So if I touch here, it won't hurt?" he inquired with a sly grin, poking the part of her arm that didn't have a bandage on it.
Amanda swatted his finger off jokingly. She faked a frown and was about to stalk off when he pulled her back.
"Are you angry?" he teased, tickling her. He couldn't deny that he yearned for a smile from that caramel face.
"I am" she replied giggling. She tried to fight off his hands.
"You still are?" he asked still tickling her.
He had hidden his feelings for her for a long time. Every time she smiled, it gave him the happiness he never thought he could have. It was nothing compared to the feeling he got from receiving gifts from his very generous parents. 
No one would imagine he liked her because of their endless bickering and he liked it that way.
She finally succeeded in pushing his fingers from her sides.

A tear had fallen from her eyes while she was laughing. Chris reached out and slowly cleared it while staring into her eyes.
Their eyes connected and for a moment, it seemed their gaze wouldn't break.
Unfortunately, the moment ended when Amanda's attention was stolen from him by Tobi.
He merely walked past them but in that simple action, he had captured her. With his right hand in his pocket, Tobi walked with a swagger.

Amanda paid complete attention to him. Her lips fell open as she watched him walk by. She inhaled the pungent smell of his cologne.
Chris was utterly disgusted. His blood boiled as he watched her worship Tobi. He knew about Tobi and his way with girls. Chris did not trust him after learning about how Tobi had spent his long break.

He  had found out one day after break. Some boys in their class had been talking after the usual football match. They were putting on their shoes getting ready to return to class.

"That Tobi guy is a boss" a light skinned boy Solomon said. He had a huge gap in his front teeth.
"How?" his short friend Kareem asked, rolling up his socks.
"You did not hear?" another boy replied, surprised.
Chris stood near the tap where the boys were chatting, listening carefully.
"What happened?" the short boy asked.
"Ah. He was dating one girl, Teni. She is dark like him. She is not too tall and not too short." he answered, describing her.
"She is average" the other boy Drew helped.
"Yes Yes. Ah that Tobi guy while he was dating Teni, bought her many things. Earrings, shoes and even a cake for her birthday. The stupid girl thought that he was a perfect boyfriend. Teni was so happy because back then, he would sneak out just to see her. Guys, Tobi deceived her oh. He was dating her cousin" Solomon explained.

"Wow. That guy is a boss" Kareem remarked, completely baffled.
"The cousin knew about Tobi and Teni. She did not talk. One faithful day, Teni was sick and was in bed throughout so Tobi decided to come over and see her cousin. Teni caught them in the kitchen touching each other. Teni was angry ehn. She didn't do anything at first. Then her parents returned from work. She told them that her cousin was dating the plumber who had upset Teni earlier. The cousin begged but they ( her parents ) sent her and the plumber away" Solomon further narrated.

"What then happened to Tobi? " Kareem enquired, now engrossed in the story.
"Ah Tobi. Tobi is a sharp guy. He managed to beg her and she continued to date him sha. Teni moved to another country towards the end of the break with her parents" Drew answered.
"Wow. Then Tobi is free now" Kareem concluded, rising to his feet. He stretched out of exhaustion and yawned.
"That's what you would think. But up till now, Teni still has people watching Tobi"
"So someone will actually take out of their time to watch over that guy" Kareem questioned,, very irritated.
"Yes oh. The girls in this school are very foolish" Solomon remarked.
"I wonder which ones are more stupid. The ones who Teni has sent to watch over him or the ones who stupidly fall for him" Kareem inquired.
"Guy I don't know oh" Solomon said as the trio walked back to class.

After that day, Chris had started to worry for Amanda. He was still watching her stand there in awe of Tobi.
"Bye" she said waving at Chris.

He watched her walk hurriedly behind Tobi following him to her doom.

I'm back. Please please please please please vote, follow, share. I love you all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2020 ⏰

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