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Am sitted at a huduma centre waiting for NHIF card renewal. All the while I feel like someone is looking at me. I look up and find a pair of merry spectacled eyes looking at me , they look so alive and they look down. I also look down but two minutes later I look up and I find them again looking at me . This is interesting I think but a second later I remember I have scars on my face and I am wondering , have they gotten that bad ? Quietly I hope that what you are staring at is my eyes but then I remember even beneath that too is an expression from an empty crushed soul and I wouldn't want you to see that either. I hope that what you see is a beautiful face . I look up and I see my ticket number on a different cashier lane . I guess I will never know what had caused that I intense look that I won't forget from a face that would never normally even notice mine .

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