5. Emotion🍁

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I carefully opened the large paint container and looked up at mom in disbelief.

"Seriously?! I mean, I know green is your favourite colour, but that doesn't mean that you have to turn everything into the green colour." I shook my head as I was laughing hard.

"Shut up! Just do your job, you idiot. And by the way, green is the actual colour of life, and also it is good for eyes," Mom glared at me with a fake angry look on her face while putting her both hands on her waist.

"Fine, fine." I held up both of my hands in surrender as I chuckled. I sat down and adjusted my cap before starting to paint. If anyone could see me right that moment, they would think that I was completing my job with full concentration, but the actual truth was my mind was full of Emily's question. I knew she was upset, but I didn't know how to comfort her. I sighed profoundly and looked up at the bright sky.

"Are you counting the stars in broad daylight." I was brought back to the earth by Ian. He was leaning on our new painted gate with an attitude. Did he think of himself as a celebrity or something like that? Too bad for him.

"Nice T-shirt," I smirked evilly.

"Thanks, well I am a bit expert in choosing good things." He told me with a smug face and a gratified smile on his face.

"Yeah? Then too bad for you because I just finished painting on that gate which you are leaning on." I blew a kiss to him.

"Fuckkk!!" He pulled up from the wet-paint gate in lightning speed and hastily removed the stained t-shirt to take a close look. I was laughing so hard that my head fell back.

"You ruined my T-shirt." he stomped his feet on the ground like a five year old.

"No, actually you ruined my paint," I told him while wiping tears from my eyes. "Come on now, help me to finish it." I held out an extra brush for him.

"Why should I?" He told me grumpily. "I am a busy man, you know."

"Fuck off! You are free and useless," I mocked him as I stuck out my tongue at him. "Make that large body at least useful for something."

"Fine, then treat me to lunch at school." He took the extra brush from me and dipped it in the colour container before starting the painting. When he noticed the glowing colour shade, he gave me a look.

"Wow, I didn't know you were so eco friendly." He grinned at me teasingly.

"Shut up!" I scowled at him. "It's my mom who bought those colours." He started to laugh hard.

We almost finished colouring the half part of our fence in no time.

I thought for a moment, then looked at Ian, "Hey, can I ask you something?"

He looked at me with a puzzled look," Sure. But please don't ask me anything about any math problem." I laughed.

I played with the brush, making an invisible drawing on the ground as I asked him, "Just think......I mean just suppose your very close person is hospitalized, and you have an exam to attend, what would you do?"

He stopped painting and narrowed his eyes at me with a funny expression, "The situation is as serious as fuck, man,"

"Just answer me." I demanded eagerly.

He looked up at the sky just like me, "Hmm, I would finish the exam first, because if the person is close to me, I am sure they won't like it if I abandoned my work, you know what I mean." He shrugged his shoulders. "They will think that I use them as an excuse to avoid the exam." he scratched his non-scratchy back side of his head.

That was it.

I found Alice's answer.

"Thanks, buddy." I patted his shoulder while feeling content. We finished the painting through before sunset.

That night I wrote my letter to Alice,


I know you are upset, and I won't say that I can feel your pain. But let me tell you something. Your grandmother won't be happy if you left your exam because of her. No matter what happens, the people who love us always want the best thing for us. Your grandmother will feel guilty if you miss important things in your life because of her. So if you want to see her happy just fulfil your duties and make your dream come true.

Sorry, today I lecture you too much, please don't mind me. I attached our new painted gate and fence's picture. It's all completed. All thanks to Ian. He helped me a lot.

My sister started her piano lesson. Dad bought her a second hand one and painted it navy blue. We placed it just beside the front door. Should I also learn to play it? What do you think?"

I was so tired that day, so I couldn't keep myself awake. I fell asleep deeply and soundly.


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