Kevin Hart Pays Us A Visit

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Kevin Hart: This must be it! *rings the doorbell*

MaryKLago: Coming! *walking downstairs in her black dress*

Kevin Hart: *waiting outside by the door*

MaryKLago: *gasps* Kevin Hart?!

Kevin Hart: Hey, you must be Mary!

MaryKLago: Oh my gosh! It's Kevin Hart! *faints*

Jeffrey: Dude, what did you do to Mary?

Kevin Hart: Shut up! She just fainted that's all! She was shocked to see me! I'm a celebrity after all!

Me: Hey, Kevin! Come on in!

Kevin Hart: *walks inside while Mary is still on the floor from fainting*

Me: Have a seat, man!

Kevin Hart: *sits down on the sofa* Beautiful home! Will she be okay? I hope I didn't scare her.

Me: Mary will be okay! She just didn't expect to see such a famous celebrity come to her house!

Jeffrey: I'm calling 911!

Dante: No need, brutha! Kevin, my dude! Whass up?!!! *laughing*

Kevin Hart: You must be Dante! What's going on, man? *laughing*

KaTzElDaElEnA: *squeals* Oh my gosh! Kevin Hart! *is about to faint but I grab a hold of her* Thanks, bro!

Me: Of course, sis.

MaryKLago: *still out from fainting*

Me: Ooh boy! Babe, wake up!

MaryKLago: *wakes up* What happened?

Me: You fainted, cause of Kevin Hart.

MaryKLago: Oh, right! I can't believe he's here! Sorry for fainting in front of you, Mr. Hart!

Kevin Hart: *chuckles* It's alright!

Natasha: You and me are the same age!

Kevin Hart: Really?!

Natasha: Yup! I was born in 1979!

Kevin Hart: Get out! I was born in 1979, too!

Natasha: Small world!

Jeffrey: Again, with the 1979 stuff!

All Of Us Including Kevin Hart: SHUT UP, JEFFREY!

Jeffrey: Fine, whatever!

This story was written on September 4th, 2019.

A/N Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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