Hot Dogs With Chili

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MaryKLago: *boiling hot dogs*

Jeffrey: What's she making this time?

Me: Hot dogs!

Jeffrey: I see.

KaTzElDaElEnA: Yes, and Natasha is also cooking the chili.

Jeffrey: Okay.

Natasha: Homemade chili.

Jeffrey: Doesn't chili come from Mexico, or something?

Kevin: I think it comes from the Southwest, Jeffrey.

Susan: Or at least Texas. Texans make good chili!

Me: That's right!

Jeffrey: So, you're from Texas, Natasha?

Natasha: No, I'm from Long Island, NY.

Jeffrey: So, why you making homemade chili, then?

Natasha: Shut up, already! You ask too many questions!

Jeffrey: Make me shut up!

Natasha: *growls and shoves some chili with hot peppers in Jeffrey's mouth*

Jeffrey: *his mouth is burning from the chili with hot peppers* MY MOUTH!!! I WANT SOME WATER!!!

All Of Us: *laughing*

This story was written on September 6th, 2019.

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