Woman Teasing The Lion At The Bronx Zoo

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Bronx Zoo

Bronx, New York

Laura: *teasing the lion* Hey, lion! I'm over here! *doing some dance moves* Aren't you gonna chase me?

Lion: *doesn't do anything*

Laura: Yeah! I'm dancing!

Girl: What is that woman doing, Mom?

Mother: No idea, but this is so wrong.

Zookeeper: Hey, get out of there! Leave that lion alone!

Laura: I was just playing around!

Zookeeper: You're gonna be under arrest for trespassing!

Laura: No! It was just a joke!

Zookeeper: That lion could have mauled you!

Laura: How can I be so stupid?

Cops: *arresting Laura*

This story was written on Sunday, October 6th, 2019.

A/N This was based off of what happened in the Bronx, when that woman was taunting the lion. Anyway, don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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