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"So did you tell him?" Keefe had stopped by Havenfield before school.

"Tell who?" Sophie questioned.

"Mr. Forkle?? About your memories??" He looked at her like she was crazy for not knowing what he meant.

"No? Why would I do that?"

"You're not making any sense. You wanted to do that earlier."

"I did?" She grabbed her satchel and headed to the Leapmaster.

Keefe shook his head before joining her. "I swear, Foster, you are so confusing."

"Thanks?" Sophie was about to leap when Keefe stopped her.

"You know today is the day you and Dex get kidnapped right?"

A wave of worry washed over her. "I know, that's why I'm going to his house later. We won't be near the cave."




Sophie's day was relatively normal. Until study hall.

Sophie was sitting alone with Biana—when Stina plunked her beanpole body in one of their empty chairs.

"I never knew you were such a good actress," she sneered.

Sophie didn't look up. "Are you jealous?"

"Not you, Foster—you're not good at anything. I meant Biana. I know your secret."

Biana glared at her. "Oooh, I'm really scared."

"You should be."

Something about Stina's confidence seemed to get to Biana, because she shifted in her chair and her eyes darted to Sophie.

"The only thing we're scared of is whoever styled your hair." Sophie made a fake disgusted face and grabbed her things and stood. "Come on. Let's sit somewhere else."

Stina slammed her bony arm across Biana's books. "See, since you've been ignoring Maruca lately, she and I have become quite close—and she's had some great stories to tell. This morning she told me the most interesting thing about the reason you and Sophie became friends."

All the color drained from Biana's face.

Stina flashed a wicked smile at Biana. "Should I tell her, or do you want to do it?"

Biana sat pale and lifeless, like a statue.

Stina giggled. "It's really quite funny. She was forced to be friends with you. Her dad wanted to keep a closer watch on the freaky human girl who practically killed his son in a splotching match, so he ordered Biana to be your friend so you'd come around their house."

"Oh, I already knew that." Sophie shrugged. "You don't actually think I'm stupid, do you?"

"You did?" Biana stuttered.

"And you still want to be friends with her? Your friendship isn't even real." Stina sneered.

"It's realer than any of your friendships. Wait- do you even have friends?" Sophie took Biana's hand. "Hey, it's fine. Let's go okay?"

Biana pulled her hand away, but followed Sophie out anyway.

"I'm sorry." She whispered once they were in the hall.

"I know." Sophie reassured her.

Over the announcements, Dame Alina talked about the upcoming finals exams and Sophie felt like dying then and there.

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