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Halloween has never been a very big deal to Chloe Decker. 

First of all, it just caused more of a headache at work because that meant people saw the "holiday" as an opportunity to act weirder than normal. 

Second, considering that recently her life just seemed to be one big thriller movie, there didn't seem to be a point to go out of her way to put up cheesy decorations and get ready for little kids in cute costumes. Although, this tradition was still important to her daughter, so Chloe kept it up until the day when Trixie said that it didn't matter to her anymore. 

The day became much easier on the detective since the Halloween of 2017 when Maze took Trixie trick-or-treating while Chloe was held up at work. The next morning, a thrilled and sugar-high Trixie retold her mother about how she and Maze through together a President of Mars costume with things Maze had laying around, and how Maze was able to intimidate the neighbors into giving Trixie more candy. "It was so awesome.! The eight year old had sighed with a huge grin plastered to her face.

Now, the girls made it a tradition for Maze to supervise Trixie and her friends while they went out. This was always, and most importantly, followed by Trixie and Maze indulging themselves on Halloween candy and finding a scary movie to watch on TV. 

Then of course, there was Lucifer, whom the detective had been spending much more time with as of late. Chloe wasn't sure what he did for commercial holidays like this. She probably wasn't completely wrong in guessing that he threw some elaborate party at Lux and partook in scandalous activities that made Chloe's sensible side want to vomit. 

Chloe herself normally went home on Halloween night after work to make sure Trixie was squared away and then took care of chores that she had gotten away from. 

She hadn't intended on changing those plans until the drive back to the precinct on this particular Halloween afternoon. 

"So Detective," Lucifer began, his smile wide and excited, making his eyes crinkle at the corners. "Any plans for tonight?"

Chloe scoffed and shrugged, "Not really. Maze is taking Trixie trick-or-treating and I've been going all week. I'll probably just catch up on a load of laundry or someth-"

"Uh, I'm going to stop you right there." Lucifer interrupted, his smile fading and holding up a stern finger in front of him, indicating to her to stop talking. 

Chloe lightly slapped the steering wheel with her thumbs in annoyance as she rolled her eyes and scoffed. She focused her eyes back on the roads as he lectured her. 

"It's Halloween Detective! This is the one night of the year where humans abandon all inhibitions and senses of morality while they dress in scanty costumes and engage in frivolous role-play. The candy isn't a bad bonus too," 

Chloe leaned her head far to one side and added, "Uh...I'm pretty sure that's not exactly what Halloween was started to be,"

Lucifer sighed and went off on a tangent, "Well, technically speaking, it began as a Celtic holiday where they believed that the dead could once again roam the Earth. They also used it as their New Year. Obviously, the former isn't true, and way back when, some of my demons thought it funny to pop up in the bodies of the recently deceased and torture the druids into thinking that a twisted version of their loved one had returned."

Chloe nodded in understanding, "Hence the evil spirit origins of Halloween."

Lucifer beamed, "Clever Detective!"

Chloe shrugged with a proud smile and a chuckle.

"Anyway, it all got out of bloody control. It was so much fun! The Celts went absolutely batty with their fire dances and animal skin costumes. Honestly, it looked like something out of a Stephen King novel. They believed the notion that dressing up like 'demons' would prevent them from being possessed by one."

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