A/N: Just A Quick Little Thing

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Hello everyone!

I'm sorry this is not the update you all were hoping for :(. More is on the way, don't worry. However, I do have something I feel is important that I would like to bring attention to very quickly, if I may have a moment of your time.

As many of you probably know, November 3rd is Election Day in the United States where we will be voting to elect the next president of our country, and unless you have been living under a rock for the last 4-5 years, you understand why this is a very stressful and tense time for us. 

This election is all anyone is talking about, and friends are turning against each other because they have differing political views. I know that Washington D.C., New York City, and Chicago have boarded up their cities while preparing for riots and violence based off election results. I'm sure more cities are doing the same. Essentially, it's a little scary to be living in America at the moment. 

I don't know when the winner of the election will be announced, but when that does happen, I will do my best to accept the outcome, however it may go, because the winner will be the leader of my country for the next four years, whether I like it or not. I believe he deserves respect because, not only will he be holding the highest office in our nation, but the majority of Americans will have voted for him, and those facts deserve to be respected.

What I am asking of everyone (American and not) is that you refrain from posting anything about the American election on my Wattpad profile, stories, or in my DMs. I know I can't ask you all to not post about it at all because that is your right to do so, but after this post, I really do not want to talk about it anymore. Personally, I come to Wattpad to connect with people and just let loose as a fangirl. The real world has enough drama as it is, and I would like to keep Wattpad as my happy escape. 

I don't care where you stand politically or who you would/will vote for...whatever. I see people as people first. For example, my best friend and I are complete opposites politically and religiously, but we've found other amazing things in each other that we love and keep a friendship despite our differences. Actually, our differences are what keeps the friendship interesting! Don't dismiss someone because they support a candidate or a party you don't; you don't know the real reason why they've made the decision they have or what they are going through in their life. Your hate, judgment, or dismissal of them, might be the very last thing they need in their life right now. That human being is so much more than a political opinion. I encourage you all in these difficult times to push yourself to look past appearances and really get to know people, be forgiving.

"I don't know, sometimes we get along best with the people we're most different from."                  -Chloe Decker (Lauren German) Lucifer 1x09

I think that's all. Just please be kind and think before you speak. Nobody likes feeling offended.

Have a great day, stay safe, and see you in the next update!

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