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From a young age, Vanessa said that she'd never let a man put a hand on her. So, when her boyfriend Toby squeezed her upper arms so hard that she could see the outline of his fingers, she lost it. She let rage take her over, and she shoved him away with newfound strength.

"Whoa, motherfucker." She said through gritted teeth, "you are not going to do that. That's the first and last time you will lay a hand on me. I'm outta this bitch."

Before he could stop her, Vanessa was running upstairs, to the bedroom, and locking the door behind her. Her mind was racing, and she threw her clothes into the first suitcase she saw. Once her whole life was packed in the average suitcase, she ran out and downstairs.

"Vanessa, please!" Toby pleaded as Vanessa reached for the door. He tried to grab her hand.

"No!" she yelled, "you're not going to do this. I'm not staying. You're drunk, and you hurt me, so I'm leaving."

Vanessa opened the door and ran through it.

"Bye, bitch." She spat over her shoulder.

The threw her things in the trunk of her car, got in and drove away, leaving Toby in the front yard.

"Vanessa, don't go!"

Those are the last words she heard from him. In reality, Vanessa had been very unhappy for a while, she just didn't know how to leave him.

When Vanessa was a few blocks away, she pulled over. She looked down at her arms and the tears fell. Why did she let him do that?

Once she calmed herself down, she put the car back in drive, and took off.

Where do I go now? She thought to herself.

She didn't know. She didn't have a plan. She didn't even have that much money. All she knew was she needed to get far away from here.

Vanessa drove for three hours before she really decided where she wanted to go. She was driving west, so she thought maybe Vegas would be her destination.

That's until she saw a frantic looking woman standing on the sidewalk....wearing a wedding gown?

"Hey princess." She said, raising her eyebrows, "heading somewhere?"

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