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"Brooke Lynn!" yelled her mom, "Brooke Lynn, it's time!"

"Well they can't start without me." Brooke replied softly.

She stood at the mirror in her dressing room, staring at herself.

Wrong, she thought to herself, it's all wrong. The hair, dress, makeup. Wrong.

She looks down at her engagement ring.

That feels wrong too, Brooke thinks as she twirls it on her finger.

"What am I doing?" Brooke whispers.

She contemplates running. She contemplates going home, getting her things, and leaving, without the second thought to look behind her. That won't work though. She didn't drive.

I could still leave.

That's what she does. She rushes out of the dressing room, past her mom, and out the door.

"Brooke, where are you going?"

"I can't do this!" Brooke calls behind her, and then she was gone.

She gets out to the sidewalk. She feels bad, but she just can't marry him. It's either run now, or divorce in three months. Once on the sidewalk, Brooke looks around. Now what? This looks bad. A beautiful bride in a poofy white ball gown standing outside of the church, looking terrified.

So, she starts walking in, roughly, the direction of her house. Their house. Guess she's going to have to get a new one of those now.

Brooke was a block from her house when she was waiting for the 'walk' sign on the crosswalk. A red convertible pulls up, top down, music blaring, beautiful tan girl sitting in the driver's seat.

"Hey, Princess." The driver says with an eyebrow raised, "heading somewhere?"

Brooke's mouth runs dry. This girl is gorgeous. It confuses Brooke.

"Uhm, my house." She stammers. The beautiful driver looks puzzled.

"Dressed like that?"

Brooke looks down at her dress, like it's the first time she is seeing it.

"Uhm, I was supposed to get married, but I can't so I'm running." She spits out, a little too fast.

The driver nods and presses a button on the door and the car unlocks.

"Hop in, I'll take you to your house."

Brooke thinks for a second, then decides that she doesn't have anything to lose. and then give directions to her place.

"What's your name, princess?" the driver asks.

"Brooke Lynn. Brooke. Yours?"

"Vanessa." She answered, with a bright smile.

They arrive at Brooke's house and she runs in to the house. Vanessa follows, which Brooke doesn't expect.

Brooke grabs a suite case and fills it with all her things she can get her hands on. Last thing she does is she goes into the study and opens her safe. She cleans out all her money, packing it at the bottom of her bag.

"What's the plan now, princess?" Vanessa asked.

Shit. Brooke hadn't thought that far ahead.

"I-...I don't know." She stammered.

"Well, we need to hop on outta here before Prince Charming walks in." Vanessa said quickly.

We. The word hung in Brooke's head.

Brooke decided she was taking her dress. She didn't know why. But she wanted to. She took the ring off her hand and scribbled a note to the man she just broke. She left both items on the kitchen island and hurried out the door with Vanessa. Together, they put Brooke's things in the back seat and climbed in the front.

"Where we goin, princess?"

"Where were you heading?" Brooke asks.

"Oh, I was just passin' through, Mary." Vanessa smirks.

"Oh, well then, I'm goin wherever you are then."

Vanessa nods, puts the car in drive, and off they went, leaving Brooke's home behind.

"Is there alcohol where you're going?" Brooke asked.

"Well of course, Mary, what kinda hoe do you take me for?" Vanessa said back.

Brooke smiled contently and relaxed in her seat, and Vanessa drove on.

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