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It wasn’t until later in that day that Brooke realized that her phone was dead and she hadn’t checked it since they got to the hotel. Nausea hit her stomach at the thought of her mom.
Brooke Lynn was an only child, and her parents put their heart and soul into making sure she had the best life possible. How could she be this selfish? Her parents were going to be so disappointed. Brooke looked at the clock, 8:00pm. She got out of bed after a quick glance at Vanessa, who was sound asleep, the lights from the city shining through the window and dancing on her naked caramel skin.
Brooke grabbed her phone and charger and went into the bathroom, softly shutting the door behind her. After plugging her phone in and turning it on, another wave of nausea hit. 15 voicemails, she’s sure there would be more but her phone fills up fast, and almost twice as many calls, as well as the same amount of texts. All frantic messages from her mom. She took a deep breath, bracing herself for the lecture she was about to receive, clicked her mom’s contact name, and hit dial.
“Brooke Lynn!” her mom answered on the first ring, “Brooke Lynn Hytes, What-! I-!”
“Mom,” Brooke starts, her mom still trying to find her words on the other end, “Mommy, I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry.”
“You’re sorry?!” her mom yells, finally finding her words, “Brooke I have been worried sick about you! John has been worried sick about you, too! He wants to know when you’re coming home.”
“Mom..I- I’m not coming home to John. I left him a letter explaining that.”
“Oh, honey, he knows you didn’t mean that.”
“Mom, I absolutely did mean it. I can’t be with him anymore. I shouldn’t have been with him in the first place!” Brooke was raising her voice, she didn’t mean to do it, but her mother wasn’t listening to her and it was frustrating.
Suddenly, there was a soft knock on the door.
“Baby?” Vanessa’s gruff voice echoed through the bathroom.
“Brooke Lynn?” My mom said, obviously hearing Vanessa, “who are you with?”
“Nobody mom. I have to go. I’ll call you later, my phone needs to charge.”
Brooke hangs up the phone with a sigh. She switches it off and opens the door to a sleepy looking Vanessa.
“Everything ok?” Vanessa asked, wrapping her arms around Brooke’s waist.
“Yeah….no… I don’t know. My mom is frantic. John’s an idiot. He wants me to come home. He clearly didn’t understand the note I wrote. He still expects me to come home. To live with him.”
“Oh. Well his bitch ass can’t have ya. You’re mine.” Vanessa winked and Brooke smiled for the first time since she got out of bed.
Vanessa was just cute. She was small, and feisty. She was sweet, and caring. She was gruff and sassy when she needed to be. Brooke could tell it wouldn’t take long for her to fall in love with Vanessa. There was just something about her.
“What do you want for dinner?”  Vanessa asked.
“I want to take you out.” Brooke replied with a soft smile, “so put on your nicest outfit, and let’s go.”
Brooke got up, kissed her wife’s forehead, and went to find an outfit. She was already forgetting about John, and the life that wanted her to come back.

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