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Vanessa laid on the floor of the dark, carpeted closet. She didn’t know how long she had been in there. She didn’t know what day it was and she didn’t know what time it was, and worst of all: she didn’t know where Brooke was.
The door opened and Toby stood in the small opening, blocking any light trying to come in.
“Hey, buttercup.”
Vanessa didn’t answer, she continued to stare upwards.
“I’m talking to you!” he growled, sending a kick right into Vanessa’s side, causing Vanessa to cry out in pain.
“I don’t give a fuck.” She said through gritted teeth, and gasps for air, “Where’s Brooke Lynn?”
“Where’s Brooke Lynn?” He repeated back in a whiney voice, trying to mimmick Vanessa even though she knows she sounded nothing like that, “Brooke Lynn is dead.” He said with an icy laugh.
Did she say it outloud or only in her head?
No…Brooke isn’t dead.
“You’re lying.” She said.
She would know if Brook is dead. She would just know.
“I’m not, buttercup.” His voice was sickeningly sweet.
No he’s definitely lying. Vanessa knows Toby. She knows he’d never really kill anyone. But Vanessa decides to play along.
“Well if she’s dead you might as well kill me too, damnit, because I don’t want to live without her.”
“No,” Toby laughs, “I think that I’ll cause you suffering like you’ve caused me.”
“Toby I ain’t done a thing to you and you know it, bitch!”
“You left me.”
“You hit me.”
Toby shrugs. “If you’re not going to play nice, you can stay in here a little longer.”
And then he was gone, and Vanessa was alone. Again.
Vanessa cried.

Ok so this part is really short because the story is almost over. I will likely have it finished tonight.

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