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“Vegas.” Vanessa said out of the blue.
They had been driving for about 2 hours when she realized she never actually told Brooke where she was headed. Not that Brooke minded. She just wanted to get far away from that town.
“Hmm?” Brooke asked, so relaxed that she hadn’t registered what the driver had said.
“That’s where I’m going. Vegas. Is that ok?”
“That’s perfect.” Brooke said, her face lighting up.
The driver smiled her brightest smile, and Brooke took a minute to appreciate it. She was beautiful. She wasn’t wearing much makeup, no, her beauty was natural beauty.
Vanessa was thankful to have someone in the car with her. It kept her busy. If it weren’t for Brooke, she would be lost in thought, thinking about him, maybe even considering turning around and heading back. But no, her and her new friend needed each other, maybe in a way that they didn’t quite understand yet.


“Whoa….” Brooke Lynn said, looking around the lavish hotel room that they were in.
“What?” Vanessa asked, she was rooting through her suitcase.
“This is a bit extravagant, yeah?”
“Well, forgive me, Princess, but I think you seem like the type to like a little extrav- extri- extraness in her life.”
Brooke stifled a laugh. Vanessa struggled with big words and it was cute.
“Oh, I didn’t say I didn’t like it. Just merely an observation.” Brooke winked, and Vanessa rolled her eyes.
“Well, before we get this party started, ma’am,” Vanessa started to say, and when Brooke looked at her, she was naked from the waist up, “I’m taking a shower.”
Brooke’s mouth went dry, and she was- confused. Sure she had been attracted to women before. She even dated a woman in college, but she thought that part of her life was over. She watched as Vanessa walked confidently into the bathroom, stripping off the rest of her clothes as she went, giving Brooke a nice view of her backside.
Brooke laid on the bed, staring at the ceiling, lost in thought. That thought being- I wonder what her skin feels like.
I bet she has soft skin.
Why am I thinking about this?
Because she’s beautiful.
“Earth to blondie!” Vanessa’s gruff voice brought Brooke back to reality.
“Huh?” Brooke spit out, caught off guard by Vanessa’s fresh-from-the-shower body wrapped in only a towel.
“I said you can get a shower now if you want.”
Brooke’s face turned red.
“Whatcha thinking bout?” Vanessa asked, with a knowing smile.
“Oh, n-nothing. Nothing. I’ll, uhm, go shower.”
Brooke got up and rushed to the shower. Vanessa watched her walk away, enjoying the view.


Sober Vanessa was loud. No way around that. Drunk Vanessa was louder. Sober Vanessa was a soft summer rain compared to Drunk Vanessa.
“TAKE THE SHOT, MARY!” Vanessa yelled, looking at Brooke.
Brooke looked around to see if there was anyone near and did Vanessa know them? But Vanessa was still looking at Brooke.
“Uhm, my name is Brooke Lynn. I thought we went over this.”
Vanessa looked at her with a straight face. Then she burst out into laughter.
“You a funny hoe, Miss Brooke Lynn!” she yelled, “a funny hoe.”
Brooke just smiled and Vanessa's heart skipped. Brooke took the shot, the whiskey burning on the way down. She collected herself for a second, and then smiled.
"Another one?" Vanessa yelled.
"Another one!" Brooke answered.
Suddenly a thought went through Vanessa's head. It was a thought she just couldn't get out.
Should I do it? She asked herself.
She reached out, placed a hand on each of Brooke's cheeks, and stared to lean in. She looked from Brooke's eyes to her lips.
Brooke knew. She knew what was about to happen. She debated pulling away. But she didn't.
Their lips met, and it was the best kiss of either of their lives.
Pulling back, Brooke smiled at Vanessa.
"Alright, how about that shot?"

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