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More time had passed. Vanessa wasn't sure how much. She was still on the floor of the closet. She was weak and tired, and she's pretty sure that Toby had broken one of her ribs. She had hardly eaten. She was allowed to go to the bathroom, but was never left alone so what's the point? She was even starting to believe that Brooke Lynn actually was dead, and with that thought, she wanted to die too.

"Hey sweet pea."

Here we go again. Toby was standing again in the doorway of the closet.

"Toby." Vanessa groaned. She's too weak, too tired. She couldn't fight.

"Come lay in bed with me. I'll let you out of here. It's been 3 days."
Three days, Vanessa thinks, that's a start.

Vanessa stands up, and almost falls back over. Pain. She's in a lot of pain. Ribs, and just generalized to her muscles. Toby scoops her up and carries her to the bed. She sees the clock on the nightstand: 2:32am.

She's exhausted but maybe, just maybe she can find a way to get help.

Toby lays her down on the bed and tucks her in. She isn't comfortable but soon falls into a very light sleep.

She wakes a few hours later and Toby isn't in the room. The clock reads 7:29am.

That's when she sees it. She completely forgot it existed. She was so annoyed with Brooke when she insisted on getting it, saying we don't need it. But they got it anyways.

A home phone. Vanessa grabbed it off the dock and ran into the en suite bathroom, locking the door behind her. She didn't know where Toby was so she had to make it quick.

"9-1-1 what's your emergency?"

"Help, please, you have to help. My ex has had my wife and I held up in our own house for the last four days. He's even kept us apart and he's telling me that she's dead. Please help." Vanessa cried, "I think one of my ribs is broken. He's been physically violent off and on. Please."

"Ma'am, I've picked up your address from the satellite, I've got help on the way. Can you stay on the phone?"

"Ness?" called Toby from the bedroom.

Fuck fuck fucking fuck. Vanessa thought to herself.

"No, I can't. Please hurry."

Vanessa hung up the phone.

"Ness?!" He was sounding more aggressive.

"Just a minute!" She tried to sound calm. She threw the phone into the cabinet under the sink and flushed the toilet for realism and pretended to wash her hands.

"Sorry, I really had to pee." She said, trying to really sound sorry, which was difficult.

Toby just nodded. Suddenly, there were lights flashing, and the sound of car doors.

"Shit." Toby said, "shit. What did you do, bitch?" he yelled.

"W-what do you mean? I didn't do anything!" Vanessa managed, panic rising in her chest.

He slapped her hard across the face.

"Why are the police here?!"

"I-I don't know!" Tears started to fall, "Brooke and I haven't been to work in days, I imagine they sent someone to see if we are ok!"

He wasn't buying it. He shoved Vanessa backward into the wall. It knocked the wind out of her and she slumped to the floor. She's too weak for this. Her eyelids were heavy as he grabbed her by the hair and hit her head against the wall.

Please hurry, she silently pleaded, he's going to kill me.

And that was the last thing she remembered.

Vanessa woke up in a hospital room. It was bright. Her head hurt. There was beeping and it sounded like cannons. She groaned and tried to keep her eyes open.

It was seconds before a familiar face was at her bedside.


"Momma." Vanessa said, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes, "momma I'm sorry I left."

"Shhh, mi amor, it's okay. No worry about that right now."

"Mom, Brooke- my- Brooke is she really dead?"

"Vanessa!" a familiar voice called, rushing into the room. It sounded like home.


Vanessa breathed in the familiar scent of her shampoo. She couldn't hold back; she was full on sobbing now.

"Vanessa, shh, it's okay, it's all going to be okay, you're safe." Brooke Lynn soothed her, stroking her hair.

"He-he told me he killed you. What happened? Where were you?"

"He had me in the basement. I was there the whole time, Vanessa. They said you called 9-1-1. You're so brave, baby, so so brave." Brooke pressed a kiss to her wife's temple, "they arrested him, baby, he can't hurt you anymore."

Vanessa continued to cry. Brooke was okay. Brooke was alive. Vanessa was alive. Vanessa was safe. Her momma was here. Toby was locked up. 

Everything was going to be okay.

So I think that's it for this story. Our girls fell in love and they are safe now. Thank you for all the support and feedback. <3 keep an eye out. I might have something more up my sleeve!

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