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Brooke Lynn woke up the next morning with the worst headache of her life. The sunlight coming in through the cracks of the curtains weren’t helping.

How much did I drink last night? She thought to herself, even though she knew the answer was too much.

Brooke finally opened her eyes to find herself in an empty room.

Where’s Vanessa? She asked herself.

There was a sound of the water in the bathroom. Vanessa must be in the shower. Brooke sat up, and the covers fell away from her top. The chill air hit bare skin. She was naked.

“What the-“ she stopped abruptly.

On the floor next to the bed, crumpled up, was her wedding dress. That’s when she saw it. The light caught it and sent a glare into her eye. There was a ring on her left hand.

A wedding ring.

The night came flooding back into her mind. Her and Vanessa taking shots. Her and Vanessa kissing. Her and Vanessa taking more shots, and more shots. Her and Vanessa standing in a cheesy chapel, but unable to recall how they got there.  Her and Vanessa exchanging “I do”s. Her and Vanessa.

Then there was sex. Lots and lots of sex. In positions Brooke Lynn never knew she could do, but that’s a whole other story entirely. It wasn’t just sex though. No, it was the best sex Brooke ever had. That she definitely remember.

Her and Vanessa.


Vanessa sat in the bathtub with the shower running over her. A million questions flooded her mind.

What have I done?

How could I have let this happen? I should’ve been more responsible.

She stared at the simple gold band on her left ring finger. She married a complete stranger, and she was confused about how she felt. She didn’t regret it exactly. She knew the second she saw Brooke how special she was, but she didn’t know if sober Brooke felt the same way. So what happens next?

“Vanessa!” called Brooke’s voice from the other side of the door.

Vanessa stayed silent.

“Vanessa, I know you’re in there.”

Of course she’s in here. Who else would it be? Vanessa rolled her eyes and shut the water off. She didn’t even bother with a towel as she opened the door, water still dripping down her naked body. Brooke stood there, wrapped in a bed sheet. Vanessa watched her face go white.

“Well good morning.” She said with a smirk.

Brooke just hummed in response, as her mouth was too dry to speak. She was busy staring at Vanessa’s gorgeous caramel colored skin.

“You gonna say somethin’ or are you just gonna stare?” Vanessa smiled.

“Right,” Brooke said, “what happened last night?”
Vanessa wordlessly grabbed Brooke’s left hand and held it up so she could see the ring.

“What do ya think?”

Brooke couldn’t speak. Vanessa saw the panic in Brooke’s eyes.

“I see that spiral, Miss Thing. I know we got married but it’s nothin’ to freak out over. We have options.”

“Yeah.” Vanessa just shrugged, “we can stay married, get to know each other, and go from there, or we can get a divorce, and pretend it never happened.”

“Stay married? Vanessa we are complete strangers.”
“That’s why I said get to know each other, Mary.” Vanessa rolled her eyes, “plus,” she added.

She took a step closer to Brooke, tugged at the bed sheet and it dropped to the floor.

“You can’t deny that we didn’t work well together last night, mami.” Vanessa purred, a sly grin spreading across her face.

Both women now stood in the doorway naked. What happened next, happened fast. They moved at the same time, leaning in, and pressing their lips together in a messy, open mouthed kiss.

After an hour of fun, and an orgasm for each of the girls, they laid on the bed catching their breath. Brooke held Vanessa in her arms and played with her hair while Vanessa drew little shapes lightly on her hip with her finger.
"So now what?" Vanessa asked, quietly.
Brooke Lynn sighed.
"I don't know."

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