6. We need everybody at 100 per cent

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Tony's point of view

Nat came back into the conference room and had a quick conversation with Fury. He seemed to be irritated, a bit worried even. 

˝What's up with our runaway queen?˝ I asked jokingly. Nat shoot me a killer look. Gosh, if glares would be daggers, I would be death in first hour of hanging out with her. 

˝He is not feeling well, Tony. He just threw up.˝

I must heard that wrong. ˝He what?˝

Nat rolled her eyes. ˝He was sick. Threw up. In the bathroom. I asked Sam and Bucky to get him to bed. And you know what he said? He said he doesn't want to dissapoint you again. He feel guilty for feeling sick!˝

But isn't he immune to sicknesses? I asked myself. I knew Nat wasn't lying, but ... What the hell was going on? Also, he was scared I'd be mad at him? 

I said out loud: ˝I am not a monster! I know is not his fault that he's sick. You know what, I'll go and tell him that!˝

Nat nodded, than waved goodbay and left. 

I slowly made my way to the Rogers's room. I stoped in front of his doors, where Sam was supporting a wall. 

˝Came to see Cap? He's in a bad state˝. 

˝Just wanted to see for myself˝. I answered and entered. Rogers's room was dimly lit, the curtains were covering window. Steve was half lying, half sitting on the bed, with Bucky at his side. He really looked bad, with bags under his eyes and his hair glued with sweat to his pale forehead. 

˝Bucky, I don't have a fever!˝ I heard him said. 

˝Rogers?˝ I said. 

They turned in my direction. Bucky was shooting me be-nice-to-him-or-you-die look, while Steve looked a bit ashamed. 

˝Hi, Tony,˝ he greated. ˝Sorry, for not helping today. I don't know what happened. I ... ˝ - I interupted him. 

˝There is no need for apologising. Look, I know what I said about you not messing this up, but being sick is not your fault. I hope you will be okay soon, but for now, take some time to rest. We need you, Cap, but we need everyone at 100 per cent. You need to take care of yourself until you are healty again. We all need our leader at 100 per cent. Don't forget that, Cap˝. And with that I left room. I noodded to Sam at the door, then left to go in the lab. 

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