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002 - BITE

THE MORNING FOLLOWED its usual monotonous routine. no flaw or nauseous contortion in her stomach able to foresee the day that awaited her beyond the toil of forcing herself out of bed and having to venture into the ice-laced air that dominated the world outside.

familiar melodies flooded her ears as she strolled along the pavement. coiling the pale wires of her earphones around her ringed fingers as she watched the streets slowly rise from their slumber; shutters of local shops groaning open as more and more pedestrians littered the streets.

a smile or two exchanged between familiar faces as the architecture of the school peered into sight. students drawn in by the transparent melody of the pied piper contained within its walls. passing the detaining walls and soon finding herself fishing the required books from her cobalt blue locker.

a sigh passed her lips when she examined the honey uniform in her hands, caressing the tear that she had afflicted in her desperation.

her senses abandoning her for that moment as she became blind to the world that held her. body twisted by another force only to be buried into the metal arrangement. her beating heart in a frenzy, crashing against her chest continuously as her breath became arrested in her throat.

"what the he—." as light faded back in, she saw the identity of the force that had confined her.


his image unleashing the memories that had been locked from her reach in her own mind. remembering how he laid helplessly underneath her, illustrated in his own crimson paint. pleading for mercery. crying for help.

how does he not have any scars or even a scratch on him?

how is he alive?


"what the hell did you do to me?!" her body was forced to drown more in the metallic scene underneath his strength as his voice grew more into a growl. "what the hell are you talking about?" sookja questioned in return.

"don't act as if you don't know. you did something to me!"

oh no.

tripping and stumbling over the words on her tongue, the white cotton shirt of his uniform was lifted like the red velvet curtains of a grand theatre. displaying the initial act that ignited this drama.

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