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검은 백조

THEY TOLD ME it wasn't human blood. they told me that it was the blood of some deer that had been mauled in the woodlands, most likely by me. yet, a part of me doesn't think that it's true.

a part of me thinks that they're lying to me just to make sure i don't get weary because they think i'm the killer, even though i'm not.

well, i hope i'm not.

waking up in blood that morning only proved that it has more control over me than i do at this point. it could have easily used me to go out and kill when i thought i was asleep.

when i thought i had control.

but all of that is clearly a lie.

the hours of ryu's breakfast were reaching a close. the customers who had littered themselves amongst the red leather booths were starting to migrate back into the town for work, leaving the diner practically desolate; only left with the company of the cloud-broken sunlight that spilled through the misted windows.

drawing meaningless patterns into the tables with the disinfecting table cloth as she sighed. feeling that her skin was still stained with its guilt, even if she had scrubbed herself clean multiple times. too many times to even count at that point.

not even bothering to look at who had walked into the diner accompanied by the soft twinkle of the bell's greeting. trapped in her own mind. thinking of a way to make sure it couldn't get control of her and sneak out of the house under the cover of midnight. just managing to break free of her own anxiety's chains as she was about to turn, only to find her clashing with a figure.

"i'm so sor—."

an agonising wave of memories found themselves rushing back into her mind with the sudden appearance of the portrait she had chosen to forget along with so many others. stolen, angelic doe eyes stared back into her own as locks of seemingly innocent anaemic gold accented them. the faded freckles littered her cheeks only added to her divinely sculpted image, yet sookja knew that a demon that hid behind the naïve façade.

"miss me, soosoo?" odette sadistically grinned like the psychopath she was.

"i'm going to fucking kill you." sookja growled, the blonde barely able to react as she soon found herself pinned to the ground with sookja's hands constricting her throat. eyes combusting into a vermillion flame as she shook the girl around as if she were nothing but a rag doll. even a lack of oxygen couldn't decompose her grin; as if this was exactly was she wanted, but sookja couldn't see that. fury had made her blind. "you did this to me, you fucking bitch!" she continued to scream, her actions only getting more and more hostile.

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