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003 - HUNT


"i don't know why you're so against it."

her fingers made paint of the condensation of his cream filled glass; drawing pirouetting ribbons as she sighed. ryu's was met with a slow morning. seats of crimson leather set idle with only the two wolves in sheep's clothing occupying their cradle as an odd customer or two dined in the foreground.

"we're not looking for them, jungkook." she answered, only being met with his symphony of whines. "why not? soo, as much as taehyung can be an ass and no matter how much his girlfriend can be a bitch, they're missing and who knows what might happen to them if they're out for any longer. it gets cold at night you know."

"they're probably on some sort of angsty, romantic teen runaway thing. they're not in dange—."

"so, they've run away without a car, money or even spare clothes? you can't tell me that that doesn't sound the tiniest bit sinister?" the boy questioned, leaving the other without a word of a reply.

her absence of an argument bathed in the silence accompanied by jungkook's smug smirk as she shook her head. "well-well, see things like this are the things people like us need to avoi—." yet again, sookja found her argument interrupted by the boy who seemingly possessed the brain of a 10-year-old. "you're saying there's more people like us?"

"of course there are. how do you think i got cursed? but anyway that's not my point. my point is that we can't afford to get involved in things like this. we can't raise any suspicion unless you want the whole town to know that we're monsters." she scoffed, continuing to find entertainment in the canvas of the glass. "well, i mean-i—no, i don't. but if we're going to be monsters, why not put the gifts that come along with it to use?" jungkook continued, each word unravelling another part of her thinning patience.

shaking her head as she responded. "no, we're not looking for them and that's final. it's too dangerous. we could get exposed because of this and more importantly, you haven't turned yet. and honestly, i don't want you turning in the middle of the woods where you could easily run off and do something you'll regret. so, my final answer is no. discussion over."

the boy sighed. shoulders crumbling back into his body as a shadowed expression annexed his features into one of a glum nature. "fine." reluctancy stitched his words together.

sookja never believed that she was naïve.

she had been exposed to every shade of raven and scarlet that married to create every dark, sinful and vile act that any human could perform. believing that she knew the world all too well and everything that inhabited it.

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