Chapter 4

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"Hurt people, hurt people"

I'm nervous as fuck. I don't think I can do it. I can't kill him. "Manny I can't do it.", I said. Manny the killer, not me. Yes he's a killer and he never got caught.

"That's ok just stay here.", he said.

"Okay. Text me."

"I will." We hugged then he left.


I haven't heard from Manny and I'm worried. It's the next day.

Before I went into class I texted him.

Me:Manny wya? What's goin on?
Emanuel:Omw to school I fell asleep when I made it home from yo house

He's talking about when he got done but if something comes up and they look through his phone and they see him talking about killing him he could get in trouble.


I walked into class.


As I was clicking through Snapchat I kept seeing shit about the teacher not being here and shit. He never misses a day but now he's gone.

The bell rung then I got up and left the room.

When I walked into the lunch room I saw Manny so I ran to him and hugged him then we got in line.


I walked into the kitchen and saw my momma cooking. "What you makin' momma?", I asked.

"Nothing major just some fish and spaghetti.", she said.


"Ask Manny if he wanna come over."

"Will do.", I said.


While I was walking to the store somebody stopped me. It's a man. He look like he got money. He could be my ticket out.

"How you doin'?", he asked

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"How you doin'?", he asked.

"Fine.", I said. He looked me up and down.

"I can see that." I rolled my eyes. I'm trying to act like I wanna be bothered but I can't. "So-"

"I'm sorry but I can't even act like I wanna be bothered with you. I gotta go." I walked away.

"Fuck you too bitch!", he shouted. I turned around and saw Manny fucking him up. I went and broke them up. Fuck it we can go to a different store.

While we were walking away we looked back and saw him trying to get off the floor. We turned around and walked back to my house in silence.

We went in then I closed and locked the door. My momma walked in. "Manny what happened?", she asked looking at his face.

"He got into a fight cause a dude said f you too b to me.", I said.

"Go clean him up baby."

"Okay." He walked away and I started following him until I was stopped by my momma. I looked at her.

"Snatch him up.", she said.

"Ma we're just friends.", I said.

"How many other dudes gone do what he do?" I just stood there. I didn't say shit cause I didn't know.

"Imma go clean him up."

"Okay.", she said.


We're in my room now. Just chilling. "Why'd you do it?", I asked.

"What?", Manny asked.

"Fight him."

"Cause he disrespected you."

"You really didn't have to do that.", I said.

"You could say thank you.", he said.

"For what? I didn't ask you to do that."

"Why you gotta be so ungrateful Justice?"

"I'm not being ungrateful, yo' ass just always doing somethin' for no reason!", I yelled.

"Was I doing something for no reason when I stopped him from raping you?! Was I doing something for no reason when all then bitches tried to jump you but I rocked them hoes?! Was I?! I didn't fuckin' think so!", he yelled. I smacked him in his face hard as fuck.

"Don't ever throw that in my face you fuckin' bitch!" He got up and left slamming the front door after him. Fuck that I ran outside, grabbed a brick, and smashed his windshield as he got in the car. He got out the car fast. "What you gone do?!"

While he was looking at his windshield I walked up on him. "You a bitch as nigga bruh.", I said muffing his head. "You a bitch bruh.", I said pushing him.

"Justice stop it!", my momma yelled.

"Move Justice.", Manny said.

"Or what Manny?!", I yelled before punching him. "I fight niggas too wussup?!", I yelled as my momma ran to us. Manny walked up on me.

"Get yo' dumb ass in the house Justice!", he yelled in my face loud as fuck pointing at the house. He looks pissed and hurt and like he wanna beat my ass. I'm surprised he didn't that don't mean he won't so imma take my ass in the house.

As I walked in the house with my momma I heard him speed off. What just happened?


It's been about 30 minutes since he left. I just been in my room calming down.

While I was thinking about everything that happened my door opened. It's my momma of course. She came and sat on my bed. "Justice what happened?", my momma asked. I told her everything up until she came out. "Who raped you?", she asked.

"A teacher at the school.", I said.

"We gotta report him."

"He's dead."

"What?", she asked.

"Manny killed him.", I said sniffing.

"You should have told me."

"I know momma I'm sorry."

"It's ok baby, we're gonna make an appointment for you to get checked out. Just to make sure you don't have anything.", she said. I shook my head up and down. "You know you were wrong right?", she asked.

"I know momma. It wasn't supposed to go down like that. I was just mad that he threw that in my face and that you found out. I shouldn't have did that. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.", I cried. She pulled me to her.

"You don't gotta say sorry to me baby, you need to say sorry to Manny."

"I know."

"Can I pray with you?", she asked. She never asked to pray with me or anything. We're not religious but we believe in God. I do feel like I need it though.

"Please.", I said. She grabbed my hands and we bowed our heads.

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