Chapter 15

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While I put my lash on I heard my phone go off. Who texting the kid? I looked and saw that it was Emanuel number. Fuck. I don't have a problem with him but I can't see him raising a boy when he was supposed to be helping me raise our daughter.

Emanuel:You left in a hurry last night
Me:Started feeling sick
Emanuel:Me having a son made you feel sick
Me:Nah me knowing you loving y'all son the way you should've been loving our daughter right now made me sick

While he was typing I sent a message.


I took a deep breath and looked in the mirror. Justice get it together, it's ok.


I just finished getting last minute things now I'm at Wendy's. I smoked before I came do I'm high as fuck, let's see how much I spend in here.

I'm standing here stuck. I laughed then looked at the menu. I know what I'm getting.

When I went up I told them I wanted the 50 piece spicy nuggets, a large strawberry lemonade, and a medium chocolate frosty.

I didn't spend a lot surprisingly I'm fenna max though.


I'm sitting in the house bored and alone. I need some friends cause this ain't it.

What to do? What to do? I wanna smoke. I grabbed my stash and saw that it's not enough to make a blunt. I grabbed my phone and texted my two weed men.

They're both dry. The only one I know sho be having is Emanuel. Fuck I gotta text him.

I went to messages and saw that he texted me. I put him on do not disturb.

Me:You got some bag?
Emanuel:You'll text for that though😏 yeah I got some come through I'm with my son right now

I grabbed everything I needed and my lemonade then left.


I rung the bell and the door opened a few seconds later. It's the girl that threw me down the stairs holding a kid. She held her baby close and took steps back. "Emanuel?!", she called.

"Shut the fuck up ain't nobody worried about you.", I said walking in and closing the door. "I catch you without that kid imma fuck you up though.", I said giving her a look. Emanuel came by the door.

"Why you still here?", Emanuel asked.

"I wanted to be around cause I didn't know who you had coming over.", she girl said avoiding looking at me.

"I'd never put my son in harms way and we're not a thing, never were so don't worry about who I got coming over. Leave.", Emanuel said taking the kid. I stood in front of the door on purpose.

"Excuse me.", she said lowly. I took a step over and let her walk out. I pulled out 50.

"You got it bagged?", I asked.

"I'm weighing it up. Come on."


Some how I ended up in a room alone with his son. It just happened.

While I was scrolling through Instagram his son started crying. I grave him his pacifier. He look just like Emanuel. I smiled. He is a cutie.

After he started sucking it I turned around to go sit down. Emanuel was right there. I gave him the money and took the bag. "He might be wet or something. When I grabbed his pacifier my hand touched his diaper, it felt full.", I said.

"I'll change him while I take a shit.", he said. I scrunched my face up. "Or I'll do it after.", he said. I huffed.

"Give me the fucking diaper." I tossed my stuff down. He smiled and left. I picked him up and laid him down. I pulled off his pants and saw a bruise on his leg. My mouth dropped.


"Emanuel you better not had did this.", I said lowly.

"Did what?", he asked confused. I looked at him. He really don't know what I'm talking about.

"Look." He looked at him leg then looked at me. "I didn't do that shit. I used to get my ass beat as a kid. I would never!" A tear fell.

"I'm not saying you did it Justice." He hugged me. "I need you to take a ride with me though."

"Okay.", I said.


Turns on his baby momma boyfriend be beating her ass and he hit him for the first time the other day. Emanuel got the Police involved and she gave up her rights. Now Emanuel is a single father.

We just made it back to his house. "Are you gonna finish school?", I asked.

"Nah, I gotta take care of my son.", he said. I nodded. I put my hand on my stomach thinking about when I was pregnant. I miss my baby even though she couldn't be born. "I'm really sorry for what happened. It's not a day that goes by that I don't think of her.", I heard Emanuel say. I looked at him and saw a tear drop from his face. "I just wish things could've been handled the right way so I could have both of my babies.", he said sniffing. I went and hugged him. He hugged my back tight. "Being in your arms feels like home. I missed you so much Justice.", he said before breaking down. This man NEVER cries but he's crying. I understood last night but right now I don't understand. I guess he missed me that much. "Can I have my best friend back?", he asked.

"Yes, I missed you too Manny."

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