Axing the Problem

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"Tommy, what's up?" James said over the phone, "Julio got a 911. A courier's been hit." Tommy simply said as she drove to meet everyone that had the male body waiting for them to look at, "I'm on my way." James said before hanging up. Tommy put down the phone as he sigh putting his head on his fist, the night was going so great just chilling with his girl, then it goes to this mess. He parked his car at the warehouse, he walked in already seeing the cleaner put the body on the table, he stared at it with hate then nothing the tattoo on the guys neck, before he could say anything James walked in. "De Sangre? This guy came all the way from Miami to fuck with us?" Tommy asked in disbelief wanting to confirm with Ghost about it. "Hired hitter. It's smart, someone flies him up, he do his job then go home. No trace" James confirmed to Tommy. Tommy felt his stomach turn, knowing that soon Shiloh and her friends were going to be going on their trip, when he told her to be safe he wasn't planning on something like this to pop up on their doorstep. "Well, it's a good thing she called Julio. He's probably still at the hospital." Tommy said with anger, "Properly?" James asked. "I haven't heard from him since he called me and told me what happened. When Darian was cleaning, he said the girl was cut up pretty badly." Tommy huffed out.

James turned to him, "Was cut up pretty bad? So she could be dead by now." Tommy only stared at him, James sigh knowing the situation was handle and he didn't need to be there any longer, "I need to head back to the club, I have business to handle there." James was about to leave when Tommy stopped him, "Listen Ghost, we opened that place to clean our money. The business you need to be handling right now is right fucking here." Tommy whispered to him in annoyance. James stared at his friend, knowing he was right, even if his head wasn't in the game, "Ok, how'd they find her?" James asked. "Followed her maybe?" Tommy quickly replied back. "From where, how? Just like Cruz they knew exactly where to hit and when, how are they knowing all of this?" James then thought about it, "It must be our phones." James concluded, Tommy gave him a 'really' look, "I don't see that being how, their all burners Ghost." "Well hell Tommy! they got to be following us some how I don't know. Look tonight everyone rotate phones, just to be safe." James ordered. Tommy nod his head in agreeance, "Fine, after I hear word from Julio. Once we figure out who hired this asshole we need to mount up, find out who hired this asshole." Tommy calmly said, "Tommy are you hearing yourself? Our soldiers are no really foot soldiers!" James said in annoyance, as he really needed to wrap this up before his big Vogue meeting.

"Then let's get some, hire someone, ask Lobos or something." Tommy argued back, "NO! We ask Lobos then he will own us for life. Either way Tommy we're fucked!" Ghost shouted. Tommy sigh knowing that their situation wasn't looking to good, "You are right about one thing, this can't go unanswered." James softly said, "Damn right." Tommy huffed out as he leaned over the body of the hitman, "Clean this mess up, i'll figure something out, but I really need to go" James said as he walked away. Tommy begin to order everyone to help with the body, "You got an axe?" Tommy asked his cleaner, Darian threw him the axe walking over to help with the body. "Hey Shawn, come over here and help!" Tommy shouted to the driver of the St. Patrick. Shawn smiled as he begin to walk over, James put his arm out stoping him, "He's not helping." James commanded. Tommy held out his arms, "His father would want us to teach him the ropes, G." Tommy simply said. "If he doesn't want to get his hand dirty, then he doesn't need to be here." Tommy finished. "I can do it." Shawn said as he walked pass James, Tommy and James stared at him, Shawn backed away, "Unless you need me to drive you back into the city." Shawn said to James, who continue to stare at Tommy. James slowly turned to Shawn, knowing the young man wasn't ready to handle something at this magnitude, "I'll drive myself, call me when Julio call you about the girl." James said to Tommy before walking away. Tommy smiled at the younger man gesturing him over to him, "Hand me that." Tommy asked Darian once again for the axe, he was about to swing at the body before noticing Shawn looking down, "Watch this Shawn." Tommy said before taking the axe to the hitman.

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