Dreams Come True

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Shiloh, Frankie, and Tasha was sitting around Tasha penthouse drinking wine and enjoying the fact that Kanan wouldn't be anyone problem. "You ok?" Tasha asked Shiloh who was looking down at her drink, "Yea, i'm fine. Just happy that Bird can now rest knowing that man is somewhere in hell." Shiloh said. Frankie nod her head in agreement, "Agreed girlie, after what he's done to her and to Tasha, I say it's definitely for the best." Frankie clink glass with Tasha, "Yeah girls, i'm so happy he's out of the picture. It feels like weight have been lifted off me, my family, everything." Tasha said as she gulp down her wine. "We need to thank Angela as well." Shiloh said. "Yeah, yeah. We'll deal with that later." Tasha mumbled causing Frankie and Shiloh to laugh with her, "Or later." Frankie said with a smug smile. "Keisha came in clutch as well, if she didn't agree to lie I don't know how this plan would've worked." Frankie took another sip of her wine, "She's down, but I think that's the last favor she will do for me in a while." Tasha said. "Damn, is that why she isn't here?" Frankie asked. Shiloh looked to Tasha with worry, "Yeah, I didn't thank her from the last time she lied. So" Tasha said as she shrugged her shoulders, "Anyway, Shi, how about that show? Are you nervous?" Tasha asked with a smile.

Shiloh nod her head with a smile, "Very, all the important people will be there so, I will have to work my magic and impress them." Shiloh felt giddiness working it's way to her body once again everytime she thinks about her upcoming show, "Don't worry about that girlie, you will kill it. Between you, me and Chad we can't lose." Frankie hugged her best friend, "And of course i'll be there so you'll be good girl." Tasha slapped Shiloh knee with a smile, "Thank you ladies. I just still can't believe it's happening. It's like a dream come true, all I need is my own gallery and I will be set for life." Shiloh dreamy said with stars in her eyes, Frankie laugh along with Tasha, "Well tonight we celebrate." Tasha said as she stood up to get more wine, Frankie and Shiloh smiled at each other, "For Bird." Frankie said as she held up her glass, Shiloh smiled back picking up hers with her chin in the air, "For Bird." The ladies shared a drink of happiness knowing the avenge their friend tonight.

Shiloh sigh as she wrap up Tommy gift to be delivered to his home, they haven't spoken to each other since their little spat. She didn't feel sorry for what she said to him, she only wish he had faith in her words just as he does when it came to Tony. Shiloh once again sigh thinking about her bull headed boyfriend, she loved him dearly, but she was worried that his father would come between them. "Get out of your head, today is the day of your show. No distractions." Shiloh said to herself. She stood up when she heard a knock on the door, "Hey girl you ready?" Tasha asked. "Yes, thank you for coming and helping." Shiloh said as she begin to grab her things, "Come on Frankie! Tasha is here." Shiloh hollered. "Coming, I needed to find my expensive earrings." Frankie joked as she put on her jewelry, Shiloh rolled her eyes, "Come on Tasha, let miss expensive walk." She said as she pushed Tasha out the door, "Oh come on! I might find a rich guy tonight." Frankie said as she shimmy pass Tasha and Shiloh who laughed, "I thought your type was gangsters." Tasha said. "No, that's ya'll type. I told you things between Julio and I were just lust." Frankie reassured. Tasha and Shiloh shared a knowing look but kept their mouth shut. "Ok so, Chad should be at the gallery getting things ready. I just need you all to get the floor plans in place while I get my work up. Tasha just have Frankie help you read the plans she's help me before." Shiloh instructed as she gave her floor plans to Frankie, "Ok, cool." Tasha simply said as she drove them to the gallery. "This is it Shi! I'm so excited!" Frankie gushed. Shiloh smiled at her and Tasha, "Me too guys. Me too." She said. Shiloh looked down at her phone, she decided to text Tommy to see if he would be able to make it to her show tonight. He didn't reply back which hurt her just a bit, Shiloh softly sigh as she looked out the window. 

Tommy was playing pool with Tony and Sammy when he felt his phone buzz, he see the text from Shiloh and Tasha asking if he was showing up to Shiloh show. Before he can answer Joey came in to give news about his transportation gig regarding Tommy drugs, "Why the fuck are you late?" Sammy asked while he looked at his watch, "Shit was crazy. The van got search." Joey said. Tommy put down his phone hearing the news, "So they got my fucking weight?" Tommy asked in anger. "Naw, we got it though. But, something wasn't right." Joey said to him while eyeing Tommy with mistrust. "I mean, the singled us out." "What?" Sammy said in disbelief. "How long you been running shit through there for?" Tommy accused. Joey can hear what Tommy was saying, "For years. We never had a problem until now." Joey accused back. "Years, yeah something really isn't right. What, you got a snitch in your crew?" Tommy asked in Joey face, "I don't think we have a snitch." Joey said to him in growing annoyance and anger, "Joey, thanks for the heads up." Tony said wanting to squash the situation before it explode. "Alright come on kid." Sammy said as he tried to push out the young man, "I've known my guys forever." Joey explained to Tommy farther.

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