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Shiloh decided to get some hot chocolate for herself and Tommy when they watch the movie. She smiled at the familiar vender that always was close by the campus, "How are you my dear?" The older man asked, "Pretty good, can I have two usual please." Shiloh replied with a smile. The older man nod his head with a sly smile, "Got a special someone aye?" He ask. Shiloh shyly smiled at him nodding her head. The man was done with her order handing her the two cups, he shook his head refusing the money, "On the house dear, you are one of the few that comes everyday when they can. It's the least I can do." The old man smiled, Shiloh nod her head in thanks, "Thank you. Have a nice day." Shiloh said as she grab her order, the old man smiled to her then went back to doing his job, Shiloh slyly put the money near his tip jar before walking off. "Shi!" Tommy hollered. Shiloh smiled at him, she turned waiting for him to catch up to her, "Hey babe." She greeted. Tommy half smiled before looking around, "You ok, where's Bell?" Shiloh asked. Tommy turned towards her not sure if he wanted to tell her the truth or not, he decided to go with the ladder, "Yea, i'm great. Uh, the only thing, Bell is missing babe." He said while rubbing the back of his head, "Missing? How? What happened?" Shiloh asked in frantic mood. Tommy didn't think that far, "I'm not sure. I must've left the door open without realizing it or something. I'm sorry Shi, look if we can't find her i'll get you another dog." Tommy said.

Shiloh shook her head, "You can't replace a dog just like that Tommy." She said. Tommy nod his head agreeing with her knowing that wasn't the type of person Shiloh is, he had to try though. "Let's look for her, i'm sure she couldn't have gotten far. She's only a puppy after all hopefully she didn't wonder far." Shiloh said in panic, Tommy quickly blocked her path, "Hold on babe, I already checked all around my place and then some, no one seen her. Let's try in the morning when theres more sun light." Tommy said with a smile, hoping it was convincing enough. Shiloh wasn't paying attention to realize Tommy acting out of character, "Ok, can we still try. For my peace of mind, please." Shiloh asked. Tommy didn't like the hurt and nervous look in her eyes, of course he couldn't deny her request, "Of course. Whatever you want baby." He said. Shiloh handed him his cup before walking back to her dorm, "Let me grab a few things first." She said without waiting for an answer, Tommy followed behind drinking his hot chocolate, 'Shit.' He thought.

After an hour of looking Shiloh and Tommy had no luck finding the small brown puppy, Shiloh sigh as she looked back to Bell pen that held all her belongings, "Where could a small puppy be, I didn't think it would be this hard to find her." Shiloh complained while taking a seat on Tommy bed taking off her shoes, Tommy glanced over to the kitchen area where he found Bell body a few hours earlier, "Yea, she is retarded. Maybe the pound picked her up or something." He said with a smile, Shiloh glared at him before nodding her head, "That's true, hopefully she is somewhere in one of the local shelters." She mumbled. Tommy rub his face feeling the stress on his shoulders, he hated lying to his girlfriend, but right now wasn't the time to tell her the truth, he didn't want her to be scared and worried just yet. Right now things were still under his control, the best thing for him, was that she was here with him and not alone at school. "Do you want something to eat? I know movie night is ruined thanks to my stupid mistake, it's the least I can do." Tommy said as he sat beside her, wrapping his arm around her, "No, i'm not hungry right now. I think i'll make posters for her, just to give us more eyes on the streets." Shiloh said. she reached down into her bag that held her laptop, she opened it up going straight to work, Tommy smiled at her then kissed her cheek, "Eyes on the streets uh, my girl." He smugly said. Shiloh rolled her eyes at him with a smile, "Only you would find that sexy babe." She smiled back to him kissing him, "It's not your fault Tommy. This could've happen to anyone with a dog." Shiloh reassured. Tommy swallowed hard not saying a word, instead he took her advice and stayed quiet.

Tommy then looked over Shiloh shoulder, he was amazed at her talent. Sure it was only a missing poster, but his girl had talent, she made it look so easy. "You good at this sort of thing." He absentmindedly said, Shiloh laugh lightly at him, "Its really easy, don't forget. Art Student." Shiloh smugly said. Tommy lightly pinched her, "Now, now. No pride inflating please." He said in his poor English/ Aussie accent. Shiloh laugh at her crazy boyfriend, "But really, you make this shit look so damn easy. How you get the letters to do that, and how you make Bell look actually good in a photo?" Tommy asked in amazement as he continue to watch Shiloh work, "It's simple stuff now, but believe me, it's confusing when you're learning how to work with editing software. I"ll show you one day." Shiloh said, she felt pride that she was impressing him with some of her talents, "Naw, art anit never been my talent, i'll stay in my lane." Tommy said as he laid back on his bed keeping his arm around her hip, lightly tapping it. "Do you have a printer here?" Shiloh asked. Tommy nod his head pointing to the printer that was shoved in the conner of the room, "It's over there, brand new. When ever Ghost kids are here and they have homework I make sure to keep one around." Tommy said. Shiloh smiled down at him, "You really are good with them. Tasha said you were a good uncle." She said to him, Tommy only puffed out his chest in pride, "Of course, anit no other Uncle T around like me baby." He huffed. Shiloh poked his chest, "Calm down." She giggled out. Tommy smiled loving to here her laugh, "I'll print this out tomorrow. Right now, I think food is called for." Shiloh said. Tommy stood up grabbing his phone from his pocket, "I'll place the order for a pizza."

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