A New Friend

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Tommy was sitting in his car, waiting to spot Shiloh who was making sure her classes were ready for next semester. She hasn't been herself and he was hoping their little friend would help put a smile on her face again, he spotted her walking out of the main office of the campus looking at a piece of paper he smiled as he got out of the car, "Hey Baby!" Tommy hollered earning looks from the college students. Shiloh jumped then smiled bashfully at her classmate who stared at her, she walked over to him putting the paper in her bag, "Hey sexy." Tommy greeted as he kissed her, "Hey handsome, what are you doing here?" Shiloh asked while hugging him closely, Tommy smiled cockily as he pulled away, "Well, I have a surprise for you." He said as he covered her eyes from behind, Shiloh giggled in excitement as she held his hands, "What is it?" She asked in excitement. Tommy shook his head, "It's a surprise for a reason babe." Tommy replied as he kissed her ear, "Ok, keep them closed." Tommy hurried inside his car pulling out the puppy, Shiloh kept her hands over her eyes with a smile, she soon felt something wet touch her cheek before something warm, she screeched in surprise as she pulled her hands away spotting small brown eyes staring back at her. "Surprise!" Tommy hollered as he handed her the puppy. 

Shiloh held the puppy in shock as she licked her cheek, "Tommy, this is a dog." Shiloh said as she held the puppy close. "Yea, she's cute. Her name is Bell." Tommy said as he rub the puppy ear, Shiloh smiled at him. She kissed him lovingly holding him close with one arm around his neck, "I can't keep a dog in the dorms Tommy." Shiloh whispered against his lips, "Well she can stay with me, that way when you graduate you can move in and we can be a family." Tommy quickly threw in, Shiloh stared at him in surprise, "What?" She asked in confusion and surprise. Tommy shrugged his shoulder, "I figured that, when you graduate you can move in with me." He stared into her eyes with a coy smile on his face, Shiloh felt her heart pound at the declaration, "Tommy, I would love to, but I don't know. Is it to soon?" She asked while petting the puppy who was content and was looking around, "No, we've been together for so long. Why not make that move. Besides what was your plan after college?" Tommy ask. Shiloh shrugged, "I was planning on getting a place with Frankie. Then we can be like 'Sex in the City." Shiloh joked while giggling at Tommy face, "What the fuck is that!?" Tommy asked. Shiloh only shook her head at him, "Nothing New York boy. Anywho, you want me to move in with you?" She asked with a giddy smile. Tommy nod his head, "Yea, I do babe." He pulled her close to him, "Do you want to move in with me after college?" He asked as he looked into her eyes with his own puppy dog look, Shiloh acted like she was thinking which causing Tommy to kiss her neck, "Ok I guess I will." Shiloh giggled out while hitting him. Tommy pulled away while cuffing her face, "I love you." He said, Shiloh smiled with love in her eyes, "I love you too Tommy." She kissed him then laid her head on his chest as the puppy laid her head on her shoulder.

"Why a puppy?" Shiloh asked into his shoulder. Tommy laid his head on hers, "I was hoping she can help make you smile again. Make you happy, I know you've been down babe and I just want to make you happy." Tommy said almost shyly. Shiloh smiled at her sweet boyfriend, "You make me happy Tommy." Shiloh said as she kissed him, she then smiled, "I think you have competition though." Shiloh said as she kissed the puppy then snuggled against her, Tommy rolled his eyes, "Please, this little bitch ani't no componothing." He scoffed at the puppy who was licking this girlfriend with puppy kisses, Shiloh gave him a look before walking to his car, "Well, we need to buy her things. I'm sure you didn't buy her food or a bed, or any treats, toys." Shiloh continue to list things as Tommy opened the door for her, "Damn, this thing need all that. What happen to just food and a bed." Tommy asked while closing the door. Shiloh smiled as she wrap the puppy up in her arms to keep her warm, "Yes, she's our child now. We will treat her as such." Shiloh said with a smile to him, Tommy rolled his eyes at her, "What ever you say baby. You're the boss." Tommy huffed as the puppy ignore him and continue to give Shiloh all her attention which HIS girlfriend doesn't seem to mind one bit, "Maybe getting that damn bitch wasn't a good idea after all." Tommy mumbled to himself as he continue to eye the girls who was in their love fest, "What was that babe?" Shiloh asked while snuggling the puppy, "Nothin." Tommy whined while glaring at the puppy who, he would swear to anyone that would listen and believe, him glared right back.

Shiloh put the puppy down in Tommy apartment smiling as she ran around, Tommy stumbled in carrying all the supplies Bell would need, "What the fuck! This bitch is expensive as fuck." Tommy said while closing the door with his feet, Shiloh laugh at her whining boyfriend while filling up Bell bowel with water, "She's a puppy Tommy, she need things that will make her be the best dog when she grows up." Shiloh said as she put Bell things in order. Tommy waved her off with disinterest, "She's going to have to pull her own weight then, can't live here for free. Only we can shit." Tommy huffed as he sat down out of breath from all the dog supplies he had to carry, Shiloh sat down beside him cuddling up to his side resting her head on his shoulder as he wrap his arm around her kissing her head. "I'm not staying here for free either Tommy. I got job applications and internships papers today, with this being my last year I need to get ready for jobs." Shiloh said softly as she watched Bell play with her new chew toy, Tommy huffed for the millionth time that day, "You're with me baby. You don't need to work, I make plenty of money." Tommy said to her. Shiloh shook her head sternly, "No Tommy, i'm not relying on you for a living. I need to do this, I worked to hard to not get a job." Shiloh said. "Where do you want to work?" Tommy asked, Shiloh smiled, "A museum, an Art Gallery. Marketing, Advertising. The doors are open for me when I graduate." Shiloh said, she snuggled close to him then looked to him before shyly looking back at the puppy, "Can I tell you a secret." Shiloh asked quietly. Tommy gave her all his attention after having a glaring contest with Bell, "Always, you know all my mine hell." Tommy said.

Shiloh smiled, "I really want to Freelance. Have my own Gallery or business with my own art. My parents thought that dream was stupid and so, they didn't support my schooling or supported me. They wanted me to of course pursue a 'Real' career." Shiloh sigh, Tommy was listening intently she never talked about her family before, when ever he asked she would simply say she doesn't talk with them, this was more information that she ever gave. Shiloh continue, "So, they cut me off. Every since then i've been on my own in a sense, I was lucky to meet Frankie and Bird. They helped me pay for college and get my dorm." Shiloh said while playing with his fingers, "I know it's silly but, it's what I want." She finished while smiling at Tommy. Tommy sigh before kissing her with passion, "You can do anything you fucking want. You want to make art and be your own boss, then fuck it do it. Your parents don't know what the hell they talking about, art is a true talent one only a few motherfuckers have. I believe in you babe, i'll help you get what you want." Tommy said while cuffing her face, Shiloh smiled sweetly at him, "Thank you Tommy, that means a lot to me. No one have believed in me before, beside Frankie and Bird of course. I told you, you're to sweet to me. Maybe someday i'll show you some of my work." She said softly. Tommy kissed her again pulling her close to his side, "I would like that, I don't know a lot about art but I would love to see your work." Tommy said. Shiloh nod her head, "I love you." She said while staring at him with a loving smile, "Love you too babe." Tommy said back kissing her with all he has, Bell jumped on Shiloh leg barking wanting attention. Shiloh pulled away much to Tommy distaste, "Awe, it's ok baby. You're number one still it's ok." Shiloh babied talked while picking up the puppy, Tommy whined throwing his arm up seeing the attention away from him, "Really, this bitch been here for only one second and already she's number one. Come on Shi." Tommy whined. Shiloh ignored him as she put the puppy on her lap kissing the dog neck, Tommy smacked his lips jumping off the couch, "This is fucking unbelievable!" Tommy dramatically announce, of course the ladies wasn't listening to him.

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