Waiting for Tonight

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A/N: For those that may be confuse, i'm speed pacing this season because it was more focus on Ghost and less on Tommy. If you don't watch the show things may confuse you, I Highly suggest watching. :)

Shiloh woke up to a knock on her door early the following morning, she pulled her covers closer to her body wanting to go back to sleep only for the knock to get louder and stronger. She grumbled as she threw the blankets over her head, "Shut up asshole it's early in the fucking morning!" One student hollered. "Yea fuck you!" Tommy hollered back, Shiloh sigh hearing her boyfriend knowing it was best to let him in before he kill someone. Shiloh opened the door with a glare, "Hey gorgeous." Tommy greeted with a smile, "What are you doing here Tommy?" Shiloh asked while rubbing her eyes. Tommy walked in kissing her cheek, "I got news babe." Tommy said, "Hold on, let me wash up." Shiloh mumbled half sleep still, Tommy didn't say anything as he sat on her chair. Tommy sigh as he thought about how to break it to her that he may not be able to make it to her show today, he cleared his throat as she walked out looking more awake, "What's wrong Tommy?" She asked with a tired smile, Tommy sigh as he gave her a kick puppy look, "Don't be mad ok." He begin, Shiloh nod her head in confusion as she stared at him, Tommy let out a big sigh, "I can't make it to your show Shiloh." Tommy slowly said, Shiloh gave him the most disappointing look, "I have things to take care of that need my attention right now. I'm sorry." Tommy said. 

Shiloh rolled her eyes at him, "Really Tommy, you mean to tell me you can't have someone else handle the situation just for a few hours." Shiloh said. "No, this is something only I can do. Look, I know you're mad, i'll make it up to you." Tommy tried to cool the fire, Shiloh raised her hand up at him, "Tommy, please, can you try to make it today. I've worked hard on this for months and I would love for you to be there. Please, this is important to me." Shiloh pleaded. Tommy shook his head putting it in his hand, he didn't want to tell her he was going to Chicago in a few hours, he didn't want anyone to talk with her and put her in the middle of his bullshit at the moment, he was in a shell and a hard place. "I can't Shi." He mumbled without looking at her, Shiloh slap her side, "How is it that you have so many people working underneath you that you can't even have them run things for a few hours. Tommy i've never asked of anything from you, when I finally ask you don't even make an effort, you're a selfish ass." Shiloh growled. Tommy stood up feeling rage, "I'm selfish! You're the selfish one. If you had any fucking idea what i'm going through right now you wouldn't be a fucking standing there whining like a fucking kid!" Tommy growled back, "I get that things are getting heavy, trust me I do-" Tommy quickly cut her off, "You don't Shiloh, at all. Look I know this means a lot to you, trust me if I had a choice I would be there for you, but I can't. Something important came up I have to go." Tommy explained, he then closed his eyes knowing what he just said would be taken the wrong way, Shiloh scuff at his comment, "Something more important then me. Wow, glad to see where I lay with you Tommy, I thought even with all of this going on you would be there for me when I ask, guess drugs are truly your main priority." Shiloh mumbled.

"What the fuck does that mean, you are my priority Shi. I didn't mean anything by that but-" Tommy paused as he gathered his words, "Trust me Shi, I wouldn't do this to you if I didn't have to. Look I got to go, I love you ok." Tommy stood up walking to her, Shiloh took a step back shaking her head, "Just leave, go handle your precious business. I have to get some sleep, big day today." Shiloh mumbled with sadness, Tommy closed his eyes, he bend down kissing her cheek, he rested his face against hers, "I'm sorry." He said, "Yea me too." Shiloh sigh. Tommy sigh as he walked out the door, he rested his back against it rubbing his face, "Fuck." He mumbled as he kicked a trash can, he got into his car to drive to Chicago, he promised if he gets out of this alive he would make it up to her a hundred times over.

Shiloh was setting up her station when Frankie walked in, "It's looks amazing Shi! Look at it." Frankie hollered as she stared at Shiloh painting that represented her and Tommy love for each other, she put a story behind it and everything. "Thanks Frankie, I was hoping Tommy would be here but of course, things more important came up." Shiloh mumbled, Frankie stared at her in confusion, "What? He's not coming? What the fuck?" Frankie mumbled. Shiloh explained the whole fight to her making Frankie laugh to herself, "You know what fuck him. You're not selfish girl, he knew this was important to you and your big day. If anything he's an ass for even not trying to find someone else to take his place." Frankie explained while waving her hands, Shiloh nod her head in agreement, "Hey ladies, and hello Shiloh." Chad greeted while holding flowers, "This is for you. Wow this is amazing." Chad said as he handed over the flowers, Shiloh took them with gratitude, "Thank you Mr. Hart." Shiloh smiled. "Of course, man this brings back memories. I remember my college Art Show." Chad gushed as he looked around the other students art, "We all worked hard this year, graduation is next week so we are very stress but also relieved that this is the end." Shiloh stood next him as they stared at her work, "Told you my girl was talented. Enough for an Art Show even." Frankie butted in with a wink to her glaring best friend, "I didn't forget Frankie I promise. Shiloh, how about the end of the month, we can arrange everything." Chad said with excitement. Shiloh covered her mouth in excitement trying to keep her scream in, "Yes, I can get everything ready by then. Thank you." Shiloh gave him a hug, she turned to Frankie also giving her a hug, "Well I can us my Marketing Degree to help you, i'm sure you need a team when you become famous." Frankie sneakily suggested. 

Shiloh rolled her eyes at her friend, "Of course you're hired, partners forever." Shiloh said. Both ladies started at each other before squealing, they remember Chad who was watching them with a smile of his own, "Thank you so much for this Mr. Hart. Really this is a dream come true." Shiloh shook his hand with eagerness, "Of course, now that you have a small team, i'm sure we can work out something." Chad said in fake seriousness, Shiloh and Frankie played along, "Yes sir, my client and I will talk with each other." Frankie said. "Ok, well i'm going to look around. This is really great Shiloh." Chad praised. Shiloh slowly covered her mouth in excitement, "I have an Art Show coming up Frankie." She whispered, Frankie nod her head, "Of course girlie, Oh so are we still moving in together because I have a few applications if you want to look over them." Frankie said. Shiloh nod her head, "Yes, let's look over them after this ok." Shiloh said, another person walked over to her station, "I'm going to let you do your thing, I have a paper to finish. Love you girl, you did great." Frankie said while hugging her tightly. "Thank you for coming." Shiloh smiled. Shiloh picked up her phone dialing Tommy number, she left him a message to give her a call back when he can, she felt a tap on her shoulder causing her to jump turning around, "Dre! What a surprise." Shiloh said. "Yea, I told you I would make it. This you?" Dre asked as he looked at her art, Shiloh nod her head with pride, "Yes, it took me months to work on this one, the others were through the years. It crazy how much I improve over the years." Shiloh explained while showing Dre around.

Dre nod his head then turned to her with a smile, "Here, I brought you flowers. Congratulations on graduating, I hope one day my daughter will be able to go to college." Dre said. Shiloh took the flowers with a smile, "Thank you, i'm feeling like a true Artist with all the flowers." Shiloh said as she placed down the flowers, Dre nod his head, "Yea, I was hoping you liked the other flowers I sent you. Tommy told me about the interview, I wanted to send them in case you got the job as a congratulations, if you didn't get the job I wanted to send them as a you will get them next time." Dre explained. Shiloh smiled slipped slightly off her face, "O-oh, thank you. The card didn't have a name so I thought that-" Shiloh shook her head with a smile, "Thank you Dre. This is really sweet of you." Shiloh smiled, "Don't worry, i'm sure your daughter will make it just fine. If I can do it, I know she will especially with a father like you." Shiloh encouraged. Dre smiled once again bitting his lip, "Thank you Shiloh, sometime I need to hear things like that. Listen I can't stay I have business to take care of, especially since Keisha shop got reopened and Tommy's been helping her when he's free-" Dre begin when Shiloh cut him off, "Keisha? Tommy's been helping her with what. What happen?" Shiloh asked. Dre rub his face, "Look Shiloh I didn't mean it like that, i'm just saying that, things are a little tight right now. I don't want to start no drama between you and Tommy ok." Dre explained. Shiloh nod her head, "Of course, thank you for coming Dre." She said. Dre nod his head with a smile, he was about to walk away when Shiloh stopped him, "Dre, do you know where Tommy is by any chance?" Shiloh asked knowing it was a long shot, "I'm not sure, Shiloh i'm sorry." Dre answered. Shiloh nod her head, "Ok, thank you Dre." Shiloh looked down at her phone, she dialed Tommy number hoping he would answer, "Hey, wish you were here. Miss you and I love you too." Shiloh ended the call resting her chin on the phone, she closed her eyes not wanting to believe that Tommy would ever step out of their relationship, she played with his grandmother ring to give her strength and reassurance of their relationship, "He wouldn't step out, he wouldn't." Shiloh mumbled to herself, she put herself together as people walked over to her station, she smiled as she showed her teachers and classmates around all the while worried if she was over thinking about what Dre just told her.

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