One Gotta Go

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Tommy entered his loft seeing Holly searching for something in his place, "What are you looking for?" Tommy asked her walking slowly to the kitchen. "Wine opener." Holly simply answered, holding up the opener.Tommy only stared at her before walking over to her, "So, you never told me where you were the other day." He asked slowly as he stood next to her, "I didn't hear you come in. I wake up, you're right next to me like fucking Batman and shit." He stated while eyeing her, she paused with the opening trying to think of an excuse, "I had some thinking to do. About us." She said. Tommy leaned in to her, "I told you i'm sorry about that Julio thing." He softly said to her, "I'm here aren't I." Holly said with a smile, Tommy smiled back to her as he grab some glasses for them, "Listen, when your out doing your business. I want you to be careful ok. I know we only been together for a short time but, be careful ok." Holly said. Tommy looked off to the side before smirking to her, "Don't worry, i'm to smart to get shoot. And i'm to smart to get caught." Tommy answered to her while playing with her jacket. Holly chuckled at his answer, "Thanks." She said to him. Tommy lift her up into his arms, going to his bed. He lifted the handcuffs, cuffing her to the bed "You aren't going to hurt me are you officer?" Holly asked. Tommy smirk at her, "Only if you ask." He climb on top of her, kissing her neck taking off her clothes, while he was getting down his mind begin to wonder back to Shiloh, from time to time he would pretend that he was having sex with her and not Holly. He missed her like crazy, especially in these moment, the past few weeks have been hell without her. He wanted to get her back, he knew she was safe, Tasha told him herself when he drop Tariq off, he asked her questions bout how she is and if she was ok. Tasha smiled sadly at him, telling him she was doing ok, hurt but was ok for the most part. Tommy finished without a care about Holly being done, his mind was to occupied with thoughts of the woman that he loves, he climb out of Holly rolling to his back. He closed his eyes, running his hand over his eyes, 'Fuck.' Tommy thought before falling asleep. 

Holly made sure Tommy was sleep before grabbing his keys to search his car for a gun that James may have used during that snowstorm. She found a gun in his trunk that was buried deep underneath stuff, she grinned seeing the weapon, she texted Angela letting her know what she found. They agreed to meet at the same restaurant where they met at before, she looked back towards Tommy loft smiling believing that she was truly protecting him and herself. When Holly and Angela met, Angela told her that the gun she found wasn't the gun that killed Rolla, Holly was disappointed at the information. She knew for sure that she found the right one, with this bust she didn't know how she could protect herself, Tommy was just going to have to be on his own, she couldn't try risking her life by reaching for a gun in his place. She need to get out, and get out fast.

Tommy and Ghost meet up at a restaurant a few nights later, "So, things have been rocking pretty smooth since the meeting." Tommy stated as he ate his steak, "It was a good meeting." James said while taking a sip of his drink. "You heard from Lobos on the day of the drop?" Tommy asked while cutting up his steak, "No, but I know it's soon." James replied. "What about Angela, have you talk with her? Ghost eat something." Tommy asked. James went to cut up his food before answering, "I haven't gotten anything out of her. No new files, she won't mention anything. Nothing." James said while looking at his brother, Tommy looked behind him before giving James his attention, "Well keep an eye on her. Don't forget, no matter how tight that pussy is, she's still the enemy." Tommy commanded, James only stared at him before looking over Tommy shoulder, "You told Holly we would be here?" He asked while glaring at Holly. Tommy looked over to her, "Yea, she's been bugging me about going out. I thought we would be finished by now." He answered before greeting Holly and pulling up a chair for her. Holly sat down smirking at James, "James, didn't realize you'd be joining us." She said. "I wasn't expecting to see you either Holly." James said back while chewing his food, "Do you want a drink?" Tommy asked her, "Wine maybe?" "Do they have anything stronger?" Holly asked as she looked towards the bar, "Like a Scotch, let me find our waiter." Tommy said, "He's out back." James told him. "I'll be back." Tommy left the table to search for their waiter.

James stared at Holly with a hard look, "What the fuck are you still doing here?" He hissed to her. "He's been so nice lately I couldn't find a reason to pick a fight." Holly answered smugly, James shook his head in frustration, "Don't try and play me Holly. Leave tonight." James commanded. "I need more time-" Holly started before James interrupted her, "Nope times up." He said with a hard look. "I told you, you're going to leave one way or another." James gave her a final warning, Holly felt that he wasn't joking with her, "Fine, but I need the cash. And the train ticket." She whispered to him. "Meet me at Truth, meet me at 10 when we open." He then pulled her close to him, "And I never want to see your face again." James growled in her face, Holly stared at him in fear when Tommy returned with her drink, "Here you are." He said with a smile, James stood up from the table, "You leaving already?" Tommy asked him. James smiled down at his friend, "Yea, I figured I'll leave you love birds alone. Give you time with your lady." James then leaned down whispering to Holly, "I'll see you later too." He said before kissing her cheek leaving the two alone.

James was waiting in Kantos office at Truth for Holly to show up, it was10 after 10 and she still didn't show. James was beginning to get worried when he heard the door open, he spun around in his chair with a smile, "Finally game to your senses." He said to Holly. "You didn't give me much of a choice." She snarlingly said back to him, James didn't care he handed her the money with a satisfying smile, "Here you go. Don't ever return." He said sternly to her. Holly grab the money from his hand walking out of the club, she received dirty looks from Dominque and the rest of her co-workers as she walked by. She only shook her head as she went, she was waiting for a cab to take her to the train station when she spotted Shiloh along with her friend walking with a few other people smiling and laughing as they went. Holly sneered seeing her, she saw her as a woman that has everything going for her, she saw a woman who had a man that she wanted still wrap around her finger. Holly knew Tommy still had feelings for the woman, he would say her name at night sometimes while he slept, Holly thought if she protected him from the feds he would finally see her and be in love with her. Holly gave the group one last stare before entering the cab.

Holly waited for Tommy to return, she was taking deep breaths as he walked into the door. "Hey, what are you doing?" He asked with a small smile, Holly smiled back walking towards him, they started making out getting hot and heavy. When Tommy laid in the bed, they begin taking off their clothes Holly reached over grabbing the handcuffs putting it on him, Tommy smiled at her as he pulled her close to him. Holly pulled away staring into his eyes, "I don't have any friends." Holly begin, Tommy stared at her in confusion, "Nor family, only you." Holly stated while staring at the man she love. Tommy didn't say anything just sat up, "Holly what's going on?" He asked. Holly opened and closed her mouth a few times before continuing, "Listen, the feds brought me in for questioning." She said quickly. Tommy sat up in anger, "What the fuck!?" he hollered. "They were trying to have me flip on you. You know know me I wouldn't do that to you." Holly tried to explain, Tommy pushed her off, "How could you not fucking tell me about this?" He asked while staring into her face. Holly backed away from him while continuing, "I'm trying to I am." She took a deep breath, "That bitch Angela, the one James is fucking." "Yea." Tommy husky answered back as anger begin to explode, "She told me, if I help her get James. Then she will make all this go away, and we will be safe." Holly shuddered, Tommy grab the back of her neck with the quickness griping it harshly. "Safe? What the fuck are you talking about?" He growled. Holly took panic breaths before breaking away from him, "I can save us, by giving her ghost. When you came home, I was looking for the gun that James gave you. Did he kill a person named Rolla. If we give them the gun that he used we-" Holly was interrupted by Tommy trying to grab at her once again. "I'm trying to save us." Holly tried to argue. "By how? Ratting out Ghost! Are you out of your fucking mind!" Tommy yelled at her while still cuffed to the bed.

Holly stared at him with tears in her eyes, "You know the questioned Shiloh too right. Is this why you and her aren't together." Holly asked, "She probably told them more things then what I did. You've dated her longer. I wouldn't be surprise if she snitched you out" Holly continued. Tommy growled glaring at her, "She didn't, if she did they wouldn't questioned you, you stupid cunt! Don't you talk about her as if you fucking know her! You stupid bitch!" Tommy hollered. Holly stared at him in fear as he begin looking for the key, she showed him the key that was in her hand, "You still love her, and you choose 'Ghost' over me." Holly said to him, "We weren't nothing! You were just a fuck! Get these things off of me now!" Tommy angrily hollered, Holly turned her back grabbing her things, officially heading to the station knowing that she was really willing to give up her freedom for a man who didn't love her.

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