Green Eye Egan

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Shiloh smiled as she closed up the gallery, she was planning on visiting James if she can make it out early enough. It's been a crazy month, for everyone, Tommy have been busy with the business, every since James been locked up Tommy says he's been busy trying to keep everyone faith in him in tack. Shiloh felt for her boyfriend, she can see the stress in his face some nights, what really tipped her off was the fact he gave his mother his car for safe keeping, she didn't believe it, at least until he showed up with  a new vehicle. "Shiloh!" Chad hollered. Shiloh smiled at him as she put the keys back in the box, "Hello Mr. Hart, did you need anything?" She asked. "No, I just wanted to tell you how good of a work you've been doing. Don't forget, I need everyone here bright and early so we can get ready for the big night." Chad said as he walked her out, "Of course, i'm sure you're very excited for the show. I know I am, i've been to plenty of course. This is the first time i'm actually working for one." Shiloh gushed with excitement. Chad laugh at her enthusiasm, "Are you inviting someone?" Chad asked. Shiloh put her hand in her pockets smiling at him, "I'm hoping my boyfriend wouldn't mind coming, it's not his thing of course. My best friends are coming, so that will be fun." Shiloh answered. Chad nod his head with a smile, "Wonderful, I would like to meet the friends of my best employee. Hows school coming along, you told me you have a big final coming soon?" Chad asked as he leaned against his building. Shiloh smiled bashfully while playing with her fingers, "Yea, it's a small Art Gallery that we have to put on and show our masterpieces that we worked on all year. It's like a final, would you like to come? I know you're busy with your own business but the invitation is yours if you would like." Shiloh said. Chad smiled at her nodding his head, "I would love to come, it will remind me of my own college experiences. Maybe one day you would like to show your own pieces here." Chad suggested.

Shiloh couldn't believe her ears, "Ye-yes, that would be great. That's my dream, to show people my work. Thank you sir." Shiloh smiled in gratitude, "Of course, how about a deal. As a graduation present from me, I will allow you a show. Everyone will be there, it will be amazing." Chad dramatically said with extra flair, causing Shiloh to laugh out loud at her boss. Tommy rolled down his window seeing his girlfriend engaging in conversation with her boss, he glared at the man when Shiloh smiled at him, he let out a puff from his blunt as he watched. His grip tightened when The Suit put on a dramatic act, and his girl let out a joyful laugh, "Motherfucker." Tommy growled. He honked the horn, causing them to look over, Tommy smile seeing Shilo wave at him. Shiloh turned to Chad with a smile, "There's my ride, thank you again Mr. Hart. For everything." Shiloh said while shaking his hand, "Of course Shiloh, now remember bright and early tomorrow. Tell the boyfriend it's only polite to walk the lady to their carriage." Chad said as he looked over to Tommy, Tommy glared back, "I see he isn't a fan of me." Chad leaned close to whisper, Shiloh giggled nodding her head, "He's not a fan of anyone. Bye Mr. Hart, see you tomorrow." Shiloh waved as she smiled at Tommy. Chad waved at her and Tommy, Tommy only rolled up his window as he leaned to open the door for Shiloh.

"Thank you for picking me up." Shiloh said, she leaned forward giving Tommy a kiss, "Mmm, of course. I ani't going to let my baby walk." Tommy answered as he glared over to Chad who walked into the building. Shiloh hit him lightly, "Stop. How was your day?" She asked as Tommy pulled off, "Crazy babe, there's something I have to tell you." Tommy started, Shiloh nod her head, "Ghost got put on the death penalty they found a fucking gun at Truth." Tommy growled. Shiloh sigh as she rub her head, "Can I still see him today?" She asked. Tommy smiled at her, taking a hold of her hand, "Yea, I can't come in, but you're fine to go. Hey uh, what the fuck was that Suit talking about that got you laughing like that?" Tommy asked. Shiloh smirked at the jealously in his voice, "He was just telling me about the show tomorrow. Will you be able to come?" Shiloh asked hopefully, "I know it's not your thing, but, I would love for you to show up. And he also said, when I graduate he will allow me to put on my own show with my own work!" Shiloh happily said while shaking his hand. Tommy grunt in pain as his arm almost was pulled out of socket, "Babe chill, I need my arm you know. I'll try to make it baby for you." Tommy said with a smile, "As for your show, of course i'll be there you know that, that was very nice of him." Tommy growled. Shiloh smiled nodding her head, "It was, now remember. I have my final next week, so I won't be able to be around." Shiloh said as she looked out the window, Tommy sigh nodding his head, "I know, you're going to Ace that final babe." Tommy said. Shiloh smiled at him squeezing his hand.

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