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Lilly's pov

When I woke up I was in bed, I turned around and seen a note on my dresser

I brought you up to bed when I left the heads dorm, I'd seen you had fallen asleep out in the hall. I don't like how things ended so we need to speak during free period. I've told Ginny everything already. I'm sorry, I should of followed you last night.
                                           Love, Harry x

"He wrote it before he left, I wish I had been down there when all thy happened I would of kicked Ron's ass" Ginny said as she sat up in bed "what time is it?" I said rubbing my eyes "6:30" he replied. I only nodded, getting up and lying down in her bed, she grabbed me in a hug "don't you ever think you were the reason Fred died...ever. Don't ever blame yourself or Draco or any of your family for that okay?" she said. I nodded and looked up at her

"You good?" She said. I nodded and smiled "good because we have a brilliant day ahead of us and I will not be allowing any bad moods at all" she said jumping out of bed and beginning to get ready. When we were finished getting ready it was 7:00 "breakfast starts in 15 so we should head down now" Ginny said. I nodded and grabbed my bag. When we got down we ran into the boys who were sitting by the fire place. I walked behind Harry and gave him a tight hug kissing the top of his head "I'm free the two periods before lunch" I whispered before walking away.

I sat by the black lake against one of the tree, making the leaves fly as I waited for Harry. "You've gotten really good at this wandless magic thing" he said with a smirk "thanks" I said, standing up and looking at him. We stared at each other as if we hadn't seen each other in so long before he dived at me, grabbing me in the tightest hug "I'm so sorry...I don't understand why I couldn't see what he said was wrong. It was when I walked back in and heard you crying outside that everything clicked in my head" he whispered pulling away

"it's okay, I undertsand" I said  "I near killed him you know...Hermione has to call Malfoy down to hold me back so she could get my wand out of my hand" he said "when I realised how hurt you must have been by what he said I snapped, all I could see was black and I just went mental" he said, i sat in silence listening "I didn't hit him with any curse, Hermione had a shield infront of him before I could thank god...he said not to worry about it this morning and said he is sorry about what he said..his anger got the better of him" Harry finished

"yea well...I'll believe it when I hear it from him" I said, he only nodded "I never want us to go to bed after an argument because I don't know about you but that was one of worse nights sleep I've ever had. I haven't slept that bad since-..." he stopped mid sentence "since?" I questioned "since you left..." he muttered. I looked at him "Harry..." I whispered. "But it doesn't matter now, as long as we're good, are we?" He questioned "always" I said with a smile. He held my hand and pulled me up from the tree "I love you Lilly Malfoy" he said kissing me "I love you Harry Potter" I said with a grin as we walked up the hill.

"Post came today" Seamus said as a few of us entered the common room "any for me?" I asked walking over. He nodded and handed me the envelope, I looked over the front and noticed the ministry stamp. I walked over to Ginny "hey I got a letter from the ministry" I said, she looked confused "why? What does it say?" She asked. I shutter and opened the letter. Our eyes scanned over it and my eyes widened "Harry!" I said, he turned round "read this" I said handing him the letter that read

Dear miss Malfoy,

We are in need of your assistance, it appears your mother has went missing leaving little to know clues of where too behind, we got the call this morning after one of your house elves found a letter she had left. I need to see you and your brother urgently on Saturday morning in the ministry.

Sincerely, shaklebolt

"That's all he said?" Harry questioned "so what now? I'm meant to panic and freak out over the fact my mothers missing and I can't even do anything till Saturday?" I questioned "I'll bring it up to Mcgonogal, why don't you go speak to Draco" Ginny suggested "that'll be great" I said hugging her my mind in spinning. I began walking out the door when a hand grabbed mine "I'm coming...incase things go bad" he said. I only nodded before we walked out.

"No other information? What the hell" Hermione said as she read the letter for the fifth time "she can't of gone far, do you think she's went to andromeda's?" Draco asked "maybe, but they haven't been on speaking terms in years I highly doubt she's go running to her" I replied "it's all the family she's left if you think about it though" Harry said. I looked at him then back to Draco "I'll send her a letter tonight" I whispered. Draco nodded "other than her, anywhere else she could of gone? An old school friends house maybe?" Hermione said "maybe but once again, she hasn't spoken to many people in years so merlin only knows. I think the best option is to send the letter and then see shaklebolt and figure out what they know" Draco said. My face fell

"I'm coming with you" Harry said, his hand in my shoulder "he'll talk more if I'm there" he said, I looked at Draco who only nodded "me too" Hermione said, her hand rubbing Draco's arm. He relaxed under the touch and I smirked slightly but hid it quickly "Okay...I'm gonna go write that letter and see if I can get in touch with mum" I said, getting up. Draco's face was cold, his eyes kept farting. Away. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it "we'll find her" I said, my blue eyes meeting his grey "I know" he said with a nod before I left with harry "we will find her" Harry said, reassuring me "I know" I said before walking towards the common room.

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