Save him

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Lilly's pov

I left mcgonogals office and turned to draco "We will show them what we are really like" he said "for mum" I said, we hugged tightly "go get potter" he said, I smiled slightly and ran towards the gryffindor common room. Running up the stairs and around a corner before being knocked down "Lilly!" Harry said, helping me up. I only looked at him before kissing him, he stood in shock as I pulled away

"I love you Harry Potter, and I need you. I really really need you!" I said, he looked me in the eyes "you've got me, I promise" He said, i nodded, tears falling down my face as I kissed him harder "What's happened?" He questioned "Get Ginny and Ron, I need to get blaise, Theo and Pansy and then meet in the heads dorm!" I said, he nodded, a confused look on his face as we ran the opposite way.

"Salazar" I whispered and the door swung open, I ran up to the boys dorm and grabbed the two boys and then Pansy "Whats going on!?" Blaise asked as we ran towards the heads dorm "You'll see, just run" I said, knocking on the door. Draco let us in and we piled round the fire. We explained everything to them "Oh my god" hermione gasped "This is insane" Ron said "How could he get away with this!?" Pansy said, anger in her voice "I don't know, but we need to put an end to it" I said

"How??" Theo asked "I..I don't know yet" I replied, my mind racing and then it suddenly stopped "we save him..." I whispered "what do you mean?" Harry asked "he's claiming we all have bad blood, that we can't do right. If we saved him it would show him that isn't the case" I said "But save him from what? He's the most protected person in wizard London" hermione said "I have an idea" A voice said, we turned around and I saw my mother "Mum!?" I questioned getting up "I thought you had to leave?" I said "I do, but I couldn't leave just yet" she said, she slowly passed us and sat down

"What if....if I attack him" my mother said "I'll go to attack him and you and draco can stop me and save him" my mother said "Mrs'll be sent to Azkaban" Hermione said "I'm aware of the consequences my dear" she said, she turned to look at me and Harry "Potter...." she said "Yes?" He questioned "how hard would it be for you to get him into hogsmede alone" she asked "a letter...I could just say I heard something" he said "then we'll do it tonight" she said

"mum are you sure? Mum they could send you to Azkaban....they could sentence you to the dementors kiss" I said, my voice shakey "I will speak to your headmistress and get this arranged, Potter. Send the letter and have him meet you in the middle of hogsmede at midnight" she said, she got up and went for the door "Mother!" Draco said, standing up "Are you sure?" He questioned "anything for you two my darling" she said before slipping out the door. I sat frozen for a while while the others discussed things.

Ginny brought me out of it "lils..." she said, when i refocused I had noticed Pansy, blaise and Theo were no longer here "i...I.." I muttered "shhhh" she said, wrapping her arms around me and putting my head on her lap as she brushed my hair "I've got you" she whispered.

"Lilly, wake up" hermione said, I jumped up and noticed it was dark outside "it's 11, we need to get ready" she said. I nodded and walked over to the gryffindor dorm. Harry and Ron sat dressed on the sofa, they only looked at me as I walked up to get changed. Wearing full black and tying my washed out pink hair into a high poney I looked over at the family photo on my dresser and brushed over my mother and fathers face "I love use" I said as I kissed the picture before checking my watch 11:30....time to go.

I grabbed my wand and Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and draco met us at the secret passage, when we crawled through to the shop we sat back as Harry kept look out for Kingsley "Harry.." I whispered, pulling him aside "what's up" he asked " you think this will work out?" I asked "I hope so" he whispered. I nodded and placed my head on his shoulder and he kissed the top of my head "Guys, I see someone" Draco whispered, I pulled back and Harry walked out and towards the figure "let's go" I whispered to draco "good luck guys" the other 3 said as they sat in the shop.

We snuck out and hide behind the bushes as we listened to their conversation "what wrong?" Kingsley said, "I've heard some unsettling things coming from some of the slytherins about some death eaters resurfacing" Harry said, I looked to the right and saw my mother. She looked our way and mouthed 'I love you' before coming up to Kingsley and pointing her wand "Narcissa!" Kingsley shouted, raising his wand "you have no idea how long I've waited to do this" she shouted "Harry behind me!" Kingsley said, shoving him just as mum shot the spell "Mum!" I cried, jumping out of the bush I grabbed my wand and shot a spell towards her wand but she deflected it "Don't do this mum!" I cried as Draco shot another spell, I ran towards them and shoved Kingsley out of the way, breaking the link between his and my mothers spell.

It hit me "Lilly!" She screamed as I hit the floor "Lilly!" Kingsley said, running over as draco restrained mother "you saved me..." he muttered, as Harry called to get help "We aren't all bad" I muttered, my voice shakey and my sight blurry "you need to stay awake Lilly, we don't know what spell she used" Kingsley said but my vision had went and I slipped out of consciousness the last thing I heard was Harry screaming.

I woke up in st mungos, Harry's hand linked with mine as his head rested beside me "You're up" Kingsley whispered "what happened?" I asked "is my mum okay?" I questioned "she's currently in the ministry's jail....we haven't decided her sentence yet. We decided to wait until you are well enough to be there" he said, I nodded and looked at Harry as I brushed his hair out of his face "I was wrong about you..." Kingsley said, sitting down on the other side of the bed "I should of treated you better" he said, I only looked up

"I always claimed to be the good guy....but this past year I've been the villain...your family didn't deserve that" he said "no they didn't..."I whispered "I hope one day you can forgive me" he said "maybe some day..."I whispered just before Harry woke up "you're awake! She's awake!" He cried, grabbing onto me "I'll leave you two alone now..."Kingsley said walking out, Harry's hand met my cheek as he examined my face "I thought I had lost you, what you did wasn't part of the plan" he said "I know...but I'm okay. I'm here" I said, he hugged me tightly and I gripped onto his top "I'm never letting you out my sight again" he whispered, his tears hitting my shoulder "Please don't" I said, a small smile gracing my face before I closed me eyes

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