Chapter 1 - Kiss or Sike ?

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I watched as the empty bottle of ginger ale spun on the table that stood in the middle.
Hoping that it didn't landed on me, but it did just that.
I looked up at the person who I am supposed to go in that dark room with.
I made a huge gulp as I saw that it was Cedric Greenwood.
Cedric Greenwood was the most popular guy in school and the cutest too.
He stands about 5'7 , 17 years old , lives a few blocks away from me but still never noticed me. He is a senior at Summerville high and so am I , we share a couple classes together. He doesn't just have an average body, but it something to die for. To me Cedric Greenwood is a jerk but in some weird reason I find my self liking this jerk.
He did all sorts of things , he is the captain of the lacrosse team, he can dance and he can rap.
He writes his own rap songs but just hasn't made it his number one priority yet I guess because of insecurities.
People gossip every day about him, so his personal life has become apart of ours.
I stood forcefully to my feet and stepped passed the few people that sat next to me.


He closed the doors and we just stood there in silence, unable to see each other faces.
I guess he realized that and turns on the flashlight on his smartphone.
I looked up at his glowing caramel skin, his peachy pink lips , his deep blue eyes , his neatly trimmed side burns and his curly dark brown coloured hair to top off his perfection.
Wanting to break the silence as he spoke up.

"Do you go to my school?" He asks and his eyes met mine.

And there goes the few butterflies that was starting to swarm in my tummy. Am I that invisible to everyone? I questioned my self.

"Yes" I spoke up dryly

"Oh , so we are , um suppose to kiss you know" he says as he stepped a foot closer.

I could already feeling my palms get sweaty. I can't believe that Cedric Greenwood is about to kiss me.

"I guess" I say nervously

Even with the little light we had I could still see his smirk showing off his pearly whites.
He leaned in slowly, as I closed my eyes. A waiting to kiss those juicy lips of his. Even though he's a jerk I would really love to experience a little bit of attention.

"SIKE!!" I hear every one shouts as the door swings opened and phone camera starts to flicker taking our pictures.

Cedric laughed as he walked out and dapped up his friends.
The humiliation I felt as everybody laughed, was unbearable.
I rushed passed everyone making my way out of this stupid party.
I didn't even knew why I came here in the first , these aren't my place to be.

"Your so stupid and hard headed Courtney, how can a guy like Cedric go for a girl like you?" I questioned my self.

As I could feel a few tears ran down my beautiful red cheeks.
I knew that tomorrow this will be the hot topic.
That the nerd girl try's to sneak her way up with the rich and popular guy.
I nodded my head as I tried to make my way home.


As I carried on the rain starts pouring, how much worse can it gets.
I ran under a bus stop and stood there for a couple of minutes before my best friend Adrian came to get me.
Adrian and I have been best friends from we were toddlers.
He's like a brother to me, he always have my back whenever he can.
Meaning that I'm always getting bullied and because we don't go to the same school he isn't always there to stand up for me.
And he is also gay, my gay best friend , who also lives a few blocks away from my house.

"I told you not to go to that party" Adrian says in his accent

I sighed heavily "I know" I say as I buckled my seat belt

"Then why did you have to go?" He asks as he made a U turn going down my neighbourhood. It wasn't that far from where the rain stopped me.

"Because I wanted to do something different for a change" I say as he stopped the car.

"Girl look at life you can do a whole bunch of different things for a change. Like pierce your ear , get a tongue ring or a smiley that's flying cute or get a tattoo ya know change up your style of fashion a bit" he says "And what's this , get this combed out boo" he added screwing up his face while touching my hair.

I flashed his hands away "Stop it , I won't get any of the above and my hair is just fine" I replied

"Mmm hmm , okay" he says with 'you know I'm right' face.

I nodded "You know the reason why I called you was because Cedric and I were gonna kiss but instead I was being siked so I rushed out of the party and then the rain starts falling"

"Wait what , Cedric , as in Cedric Greenwood?" He asks

"Yes him"

"Oh my lord that boy is fine as a sugar pop" he says biting down on his lips

"Shut up he's not your type he's straight" I say as I unclipped my seat belt

"Girl you shul up , I can make any guy bend for me" he says as I kissed his cheek and unlocked the door.

"Goodnight Adrian!" I shout out to him as I ran up to my house.

He honked on his horn before driving off. I closed the doors and walked in going straight to my room.

I fell back on my bed and just stared at the ceiling. Tomorrow is going to be long day.

A/N: I hope you like , please don't hate remember this is just my imagination ❤️

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