Chapter 4 - Surprise , Surprise

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I woke up early as I would every other morning for school.
Only forgetting that I was on suspension.
I crawled out of bed yawning and stretching with my eyes closed.

"Surprise!" I hear someone exclaimed in front of me.

"Ah!" I squirm as my fist connected their face instantly.

I know I like to fist people in the face. But I was startled.

Who so ever it was removed their stupid marshmallow hat and revealed their face and it was lia. I sighed in relief.

"What the hell lia" I say

"Why you got to hit me in the face?" She ask as she rubbed her nose.

"You jumped out on me" I say as I walked to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.

She jumped on my bed and started lurking on my phone.

"Who is Cedric Greenwood?"  She asks.

I choked on my toothpaste and quickly rinsed out my mouth then rushed to grab my phone.

"Why are you on my phone?" I ask as I looked at the screen and saw that I was tagged in the pictures that they took at the party.

"Oouu he's fine is he your boyfriend?" She asks

"No he's not, he's a jerk" I tell her as I dried my face with a towel.

"A cute jerk, it was expected that he wasn't your boyfriend because look at you" she says playing with her finger tips

The reasons why I hate her. Always trying to bring me down.
It's good that I don't have a low self esteem.

"What you mean?" I ask

"Oh nothing , so why aren't you at school?" She ask as I pulled out my chair and sat around my computer desk.

"I got suspended " I say dryly

"Wow you were such a goody goody how did you managed to let that happened? Did you cheat?" She asks

"In the middle of September?" I asks at her stupidity

"What ever , so what happened?"

"Dang Lia don't you have anything else to do you ask way too much question" I say to her "why are you even here?" I ask

"Wow your getting bold..... mom and dad are considering to get a divorce" she say

I then felt bad to be so harsh but she deserves it always picking on me.

I faked my remorse "Oh I'm sorry"

"Yea that's okay"

I nodded as I switched my computer on.
My room door swung opened revealing my gay best friend.

"Girl , I see those photos on your timeline with CG and dang he was looking like a whole snack" he says before he stopped realizing I had company.

"Girl who is this?" Adrian asks

I laughed at how awkward he's dressed.
He is in a black crop top with the white Savage logo printed in the middle of it.
A tight black leggings and some black high kickers with buckles.

"I know I was just about to call you to help me out with it and this is my cousin lia" I say

"Oh , she cute but I don't like her" he says as he walked over to me and took over my computer.

That's one thing I love about Adrian he's so straight forward with you.
I knew lia felt away because she got up and went downstairs.
Hell I couldn't get her away and Adrian could.

"There done" he says deleting the pictures off Instagram. He is also a computer genius geek weirdo.

"Thank you, now go and get ready for school" I say pushing him out

"Shul up I was gon leave when I was ready..... Now why do you need a roommate?" He asks referring to lia

"I don't but she's in a bad state ATM" I say

"Oh my lord she broke?" He asks getting intrigued

"What no why would you think that?" I ask

"Girl you should said ATM" he says

"Oh , no it's the abbreviation to At The Moment" I say while laughing

"Ain't nobody knew that , that abbreviation stands for something else .... we just know about the freaking ATM card or machine dang"

"Shul up"

"Weirdo , gone do something about that hair you ain't going back to school with that trash on your head" he says as he got up

"My hair is fine" I say looking in the mirror rubbing down my hair

"Hmm mmm look at your hands their bruised from rubbing that coarse mess" he says joking

"Ugh shul up and go" I squealed

"Fine I'm going see you later bwest friend" he say as he kissed my forehead

"Bye, I love you" I say

"Luh you too Mrs.Greenwood" he cheesed before running down the stairs

I just laughed and grabbed a few clothes going to the bathroom to shower.
After a 30 minute shower I got dressed and went downstairs.
I saw Lia sitting in the sofa eating oatmeal cereal and watching a Netflix marathon.
I walked over in the kitchen and greeted my mom.

"Good morning mummy" I say as I kiss her forehead

"Good morning sweetheart... eggs in the fridge and bread is in the cabinet" she says as she walked out with a mug of coco tea

I got two eggs and cheese with a sweet pepper to make me an egg omelette sandwich.

"Can you make one for me also?" Lia asks

"No make it yourself" I say as I lit the stove putting the frying pan on

"Fine" she says

I didn't answer. I pour a little bit of oil in the pan and waited for it to heat.


After breakfast I decided to go up to my room and just chilled while searching on YouTube about the newest iPhones.
I know I'm weird but I like to see things that I'll never have.
As I watched the newest brand that is coming down this September , lia walks in.

"Courtney I don't like this" she complains as she sat next to me

"What?" I asks without removing my eyes from my computer screen.

"You ignoring me" she says

"It's always like that I'm just doing you a favour before you tell me to get out of your space" I say

"But I don't want you to get out my space. Come on let's be like old times please" she begs

"Fine" I says as I paused my YouTube video

"Good now I brought you something" she says as she walked over to her suitcase

She came back with a gift bag handing it me.
I took it as I took out the box ripping off the gift wrap revealing an iPhone 10X.
My eyes widen as I looked at this expensive gift.

"I can't accept this" I say

"Oh please do I just want one thing in return" she says

I knew there was a catch.

"what ?" I ask

"To give you a makeover" she say

"A what!"

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