Chapter 5- Captured

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We spend the next week hiking. I'm not sure Harry knows where he's going, but I'm not going to be the one to ruin the friendly atmosphere our group has finally created. After the awkward night with Hermione threatening Ron, things started looking up. Well, kind of. Hermione and I laughed and caught up every chance we could get, I was also reading the book Dumbledore gave her to see if I catch anything she didn't. Harry and Ron has also been chummy with each other. It's the first time in months I've seen Harry crack a genuine smile. It started to give me hope that things were looking up.

We were approaching a very sullen and strangely built house out in the middle of an abandoned field. We stood on the cliff side staring down at the valley. It strangely has short grass with little earth life. It was like the life had been drained from the earth. Where we stood on the cliffs edge, the grass was to our waist, green and healthy. Something felt off about this place. It didn't seem like a home that Luna would inhabit. Luna was so full of life and optimism, this place screamed dread.

We made our way down the last few rocks of the cliffs edge, slowly making our way to the house. When we finally reached the door, Hermione bravely walked forward and knocked.

We waited and no reply came. Hermione stepped forward to knock again when the door suddenly swung open.

There in all his loopy glory was Xenophilous lovegood, looking a lot more worse for wear than the last time we had encountered him. His eyes were sunken in and paranoid. His hair hung straight and greasy, almost like Severus Snapes hair but with a white blonde tone.

"What do you want?!" He said gruffly, eyes searching the skies behind us.

We looked to each other before Harry gently moved Hermione over to step forward.

"Mr. Lovegood? It's me, Harry Potter, I was wondering if we could talk?" He said gently.

The mans eyes latched onto him, almost serpent like.

"Yes, yes! Come in!" He said quickly.

We were ushered inside the surprisingly small and cluttered house. There were small remnants of Luna everywhere. Those Nargle glasses she had worn, little earrings I'd seen her wear many times, some of her clothes flooded on a cluttered table.

We were lead up to a living room of sorts and given tea. They all began talking as I walked around. Something felt off, it felt wrong in this house. I have had a bad feeling since I set eyes on the house.

They began the story of the deathly hallows. I kept my pacing as I listened, though I could feel the older mans eyes on me every now and then.

When they finished the story, Mr. Lovegood rattled of some sorry excuse about tea and went downstairs. My eyes had been locked on something by the window since he left. Harry tried to get my attention as I reached for it. There atop some hastily thrown books, sat a lone thin scarf.

My eyes were drawn to it as my hand lingered closet and closer to it. I wouldn't have thought much of the completely black scarf except the small embroidery mark at the end of it.

My finger tips traced the very edge of it, then it was sitting in my palm. I then realized what the embroidery was. I swiftly twirled around and faced the others.

"We have to go, this place has been compromised!" I whispered seriously.

All three sets of eyes turned to me in confusion. I held up the scarf with the emblem faced to them and their eyes widened. We all understood simultaneously. We began walking down the stairs as I started feeling light headed. Before I knew it the world started spinning. I glanced to the scarf in my hand and tried to drop it but it was too late.

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