Chapter 7 - And so it begins

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Harry and I walked side by side with the rest of the students. I reached out and squeezed his hand reasuringly. The students came to a standstill in lines.

Snape stood before the entire school.

"It has come to my attention that Harry and Adrena Potter where spotted in hogsmeade this evening. Should anyone, student or staff, attempt to aid the Potters they will be punished in a manor consistant with the severity of their transgressions. Further more, any person found to have knowledge of these events, who fails to come forward, will be treated as equally guilty." Snapes monotone voice crept over us sending chills up my spine. This is the man who killed Dumbledore.

"Now if any one hear has any knowledge of Potters wereabouts I invite you to step forward, now."

Harry grabbed my hand and we walked out of the crowd of students to face him.

Gasps erupted as every student backed away from the pair.

"It seems despite your exhaustive defensive strategies, you still have a bit of a security problem headmaster. I'm afraid its quite extensive." Harry said through gritted teeth.

The Great Halls doors then opend and I new the order and Dumbledores army stood behind us. I held my chin up with pride as I stared at the man who betrayed us all.

"How dare you stand where he stood? Tell them how it happened that night! Tell them how you looked him in the eye, a man that trusted you, and killed him! Tell them!" Harry yelled across the Great Hall.

The look in Snapes eyes was haunting, filled with so much self loathing and regret.

He suddenly drew his wand quickly. But before he could cast anything at Harry and I, Mcgonagle shoved us out of the way.

Everyone in the hall rushed to the walls to stay out of the way of two older wizards who were about to duel. I could see the hesitation in Snapes eyes. He didnt want to fight her. He respected her too much.

She took the first move, McGonagle shot a spell at Snape and he blocked it and waited. They held eye contact before breaking into a duel. Snape didnt fight back he just blocked them. He began to step backwards at an alarming rate, knocking two other death eaters to the ground. Then he turned to black vapor and disappeared out the window.

The crowd broke out into cheers of joy but only for a moment.

I being suddenly dizzy. Hermione who was now next to be had to hold me up. Random people began screaming around the hall. I couldnt focus on anything but my head.

"I know that many of you will want to fight." A creepy whispy voice began. "Some of you may even think that the fight is wise. But this is a folly. Give me the twins, give me Harry and Adrena Potter, do this and none shall be harmed. Give me the Potters and I will leave Hogwarts untouched. Give me the potters and you will be rewarded! You have one hour." The voice finished.

I clutched my head, trying to squeeze out the pain. Hermione was struggling under my weight as I tried to remain standing. The headache suddenly disapeared and I blinked looking up. Harrys face was white as a sheet.

Thats when my least favorite slytherin opened her mouth.

"What are you waiting for? Someone grab them!" Pansy shrieked.

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