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The days after the war passed by slowly and uneventful. That was the best thing that could have ever happened to us though.

We all went back and finish our last year at Hogwarts before we all went on to get jobs at the ministry.

Draco eventually went on to become a teacher at Hogwarts and I became a healer. I eventually ended up as the nurse at Hogwarts.

Draco and I married and had two sons. Scorpius and Leo, two complete opposites. Our oldest scorpius has become a Slytherin while Leo a Gryffindor. I poured all my love into both my sons.

Harry's son Albus has happily become friends with his cousin scorpius and little Leo went on to be friends with Ron and Hermione's little boy Hugo.

I was excited to see my children off to Hogwarts, even though I worked there and saw them everyday.

We arrived at platform nine and three quarters. Leo still holding my hand. It was his second year, and though he'd done this once before he was still incredibly nervous.

Draco walked side by side with scorpius as they laughed and joked. He really was a good father. It was now 10:55.

I turned to both my sons.

"I normally would launch into my speech about being good, but I'll see you tonight at the feast so try not to get into trouble before then, please." I begged them.

They looked at each other before laughing and giving me a hug. They then quickly went to get on the train to find their friends as I shook my head.

"What are we going to do with them?" I asked Draco as he wrapped an arm around me pulling me close.

"I guess we just have to keep loving them. There's not much else we can do at this point." He smiled at me and I reached over and pecked his lips.

"Gross, get a room you two!" I heard Ron's sarcastic voice from behind me.

"Haha, you we all grew up as friends so what if I said that about you and Hermione every time? Hmm? How would you feel?" I prodded and he glowered at me.

I then rolled my eyes and hugged Hermione.

"Where's Harry? He told me he was coming today but I haven't seen him or Ginny. Or there kids either." I asked.

Hermione shrugged.

"I guess their late."

Suddenly the Potter clan came busting into the platform, Ginny was yelling instructions at them all. I laughed at Harry's annoyed yet frazzled face.

Soon enough their kids were on the train just as 11 rolled around and the kids were off. We walked over to Harry and Ginny. I hugged them both before the group began chatting.

I got lost in thought. To think I almost chose to give this up, I almost chose to not be here with my children and amazing husband. A grin found its way onto my face as we said goodbye to the ground and Draco and I apparated to hogsmeade to get a butterbeer before starting another year at Hogwarts.


Well, there you go. Our happily ever after.

I almost left her as dead but decided I didn't want an unhappy ending.

Thank y'all so much for reading!

Be sure to come back and check out my new books when they come out!

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