finale part one

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I drop to my knees and struggle to get into my car.

then a friendly hand helps me up. it was calum. "hey hey jessi your gonna be okay" he helped me into the car and got into the drivers seat. something mostive happened with amanda cause he wouldn't leave without her.

he gripped my hand tight as he drove to the hospital. meanwhile I'm contrasting over and over again. "your 3 weeks early jessi what happened"

"Curtis my ex" I pause to breath "he punched my stomach"

"your gonna be okay" calum said as we parked "and so is this little guy" he put his hand on my stomach. I keep saying stomach because I don't even know if the baby is still alive.

we rush into the hospital and he gets me into a room. "can u stay" I ask him. he nodes his head. theirs something about calum. he's just a people person.

I squeeze calums hand as hard as I can. I didn't even think of the fact that he could see my vagina or that I was probably breaking his hand.

"come on jessi one more push" the doctor said as I scream.

I push as hard as I can until I can see my beautiful baby.

Calum smiles at me.

"it's a girl" the doctor said. everything was perfect. except two things. one luke wasn't here. two she wasn't crying.

the doctor looked at me. "I'm sorry"

she wasn't dead but something was wrong. I began to cry. calum held me close to him.

calum texted me saying that jessi went into labor.

"shit" I mumble to myself.

by the time I got there jessi was gone. without the baby.

I ask if I can see the baby. doctor James told me about her sickness. they had to remove a part of its lung.

I walk into the babies room. it's a girl. I have a daughter. I have a child in this world. and I can either keep her or put her up for adoption. "you don't have a name" I say rubbing her head

"hi hanna" I say. the words flooded out perfectly.

she began to cry. i picked her up and rocked her for a minuet and she immediately stopped.

I bring her to the boys. calum was holding her.

"you can't give her up" ashton said.

"I agree with ashton. she didn't do anything to be given up like that" michael said.

"their right. and none of us would mind." calum said.

"sure it would be different but you can't" ashton said.

then I decided to take her home. we bought her a bunch of stuff. and we're gonna take it one step at a time. and let's see what happens next


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