1. Day In, Day Out

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The alarm buzzed.

It was 5:45 am.

I had to be at my new job at 6:30. I had to pick up a new job after getting fired at that stupid retail store at the mall. Always late, my breaks were too long, blah. I had no choice but to keep this job though. Mom needed help with the bills since they cut her hours at those stupid rich people houses she cleaned at.

I looked myself in the mirror as I got out the shower, sighing. This stupid job was going to be so fucking boring, I could feel it already. It was at the record store which was about ten minutes away.

Hopefully it's better than folding clothes at the mall all fucking day.

"Are you leaving already?"

"Yeah, I start at 6 today. Class at 10," I bit into an apple as I spoke to my mom. She was getting ready to head out too.

"First day of a new job and first day of class? Look at you," she walked over, "I'm proud of you."

I smiled back.

"Who's house are you cleaning today? The Johnson's? or the Pierre's?"

"Johnson's. I have to get there earlier to water the plants. I'll see you later okay?" She kissed my forehead before grabbing the keys to the car and leaving.

I grabbed my keys, closing the door behind me.

As I got into the car I cursed, watching the yellow maintenance light turn on and flicker. I ignored it, making my way to work.


A few hours passed, and I bagged the last customer of my shift.

"Next time try bagging them a little faster, overall you did good."

My manager came over as she took my place. A short, old white lady with oversized glasses, she wasn't mean—just strict about shit. I rolled my eyes as I excused myself.

"By the way, I need you to take the night shift and close up tomorrow."

I stopped in my tracks.

"I thought I was only working mornings?"

"Unless you don't want the job—,"

"Fine. I'll be here," I scoffed. I had no other choice.

I made my way out as I grabbed my backpack, bumping into someone as I stepped outside.

"Fuck, I'm sorry," I looked up.

He was tall.

"You good."

His deep voice was the first thing I noticed as I watched him walk off, no eye contact, no nothing. Like he didn't even acknowledge me. He walked into the barbershop next to my job, looking around suspiciously before he made his way in.

I ignored it, thinking nothing of it.


Class introductions were boring to say the least. I was only taking two classes this semester; math and english, unfortunately.

I still couldn't believe how I had gotten into UCLA, one of my dream schools to say the least. But with my parents' divorce last year, everything crumbled before I could even start the semester. I stopped going to class my first year, and I had to retake all the classes again.

So, here I am once again.

It sucked, but if this was what it took to become a film director; so be it.


I got home, my phone lighting up with a text.

how was the first day?

I smiled down at my phone. Mia had been with me since middle school. Through everything; puberty, first kisses, boyfriends—the lot. It sucked not having her around anymore since she moved hours away for college. We see each other during the summer, but it's not enough.

boring as hell. how's uc santa barbra?

parties are fucking crazy. i miss you though. fuckkkk. anyone catch your eye yet? anyone cute??

I scoffed.

thats the least of my worries. literally so much on my plate rn.

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