16. Fantasies

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Mia and I had gone shopping for some dress she saw online. We were walking around the mall aimlessly for an hour before we finally went into the store she saw it in.

"Oh my god, it's ugly in person," she held it up next to her.

"Bitch you made us look around for an hour. You better buy it now."

She laughed, putting it back.

"Okay, I promise one more store and we can go."

I loudly sighed as I followed behind her. I felt like a child following their mother. We got on the elevator when I noticed a familiar face walk by just as the doors shut.

I scrunched my brows as I turned to look again, but the elevator already began going down.

"I think I'm seeing things."

"What?" Mia looked up from her phone.

I walked out, quickly making my way to the center of the mall as I looked up at the second floor, hoping to catch a glimpse of him.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

There was no other sign of him.

"I thought I saw Tyler."

"Oh my god you are so fucking obsessed."

"I swear I just saw him," I sighed as she pulled me to the opposite direction.

"It's not him."

But it was. His past tendencies led me to believe that maybe he was stalking me again. But I let it go.

"Fuck, whatever."

"You need to get laid. Like really bad, Nadine."

I let out a chuckle as she eyed me.

"I'm serious. We're going out tonight."

I rolled my eyes.

"And where are you planning on taking me?"

"Brandon is throwing a party at his place tonight. You know his jock friends. They're cute."

I thought about the possibility.

"Brandon from high school? you still talk to him?"

"Uh, friends with benefits thing. You need that."


I was at Mia's place, borrowing her clothes, makeup, and shoes. She had everything I lacked; especially in the popular department. She was always surrounded with friends, boys, she pretty much kept in contact with everyone. I mean who could blame them? She was pretty, cheerful, always the life of the party.

"This. Put this on," She took out a red dress with a slit on the leg.

"That's too fucking much Mia."

"Not even! Look what I'm wearing." She pulled out a two piece set with some high heels that had pink fluff detailing.

"Well if I had your body I'd wear the same thing. This probably won't even fit me."

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